Oct 12, 2015 01:13
I sometimes forget how much I love writing. I forget, too, how much of my life I have spent writing, talking about writing, reading about writing, bonding over writing. I've invested time, talent and effort in writing like I've done in nothing else, and at times, it has been the center of my life. In a way, it always is, because when I am not writing, I wish I was writing.
I joke that there is people in my head, that I hear voices when I close my eyes, but in some ways, that isn't a joke at all. There is people that can't believe I am shy or awkward, and that is because they've met me in situations when I needed not to be and so I was channeling one of my characters, because who else could I know better? My characters, mostly born out of a trait or a name, and I love nothing more than discovering them little by little, see them take shape in front of every situation they face. Some might think I talk too much as if they were real, but what can be realer than the characters I've written and the characters I've loved and hated (who sometimes overlap and sometimes not; other people's characters are sometimes well and alive in my head too)?
I was always a kid of vivid imagination and great empathy and they combined to have me writing. It's been 17 years, and look at me: there's nothing you will hear me talk more passionately about than writing. And maybe I will never be an author, will never be published. Maybe only my best friends will get to read my stories, but who cares. Writing is the one thing I love and breathe and sometimes I forget it, but when I remember -- when I remember it hits full force that I fucking love it.
"Why do you write?," people have asked me. I write because I do not know how not to write.