Oct 29, 2008 02:31
Sometimes the balance created
Is tipped to one side or the other
Angry faces twisted with glee
Expectation your actions did smother
To be fair, if such a thing is there
Always was never a very believable affair
The forever loves slipping away
Floating into the suns above
Yet another distance to conquer
A different encounter to never even think of
It spins again, hopes in vain
Just like standing outside in the rain
A sultry sight snatches your attention
Was that a look, or an imagined plea
And never to disappoint, always the lame
You stop for a moment and promptly flee
Always and never, she would probably agree
Have really never been too much use
To a silent siren like me
So what is it, you ask?
Is it merely a voice in the quiet
Quite an easily imagined task
Even when such beauty leads us to riot
So on slips that familiar old mask
Take your bow as the curtain comes down
It is not in glory this time you will bask
Could it be the other, then?
The world so blatantly loud
As if to drown out the voice
That would have easily avowed
Proclaimed to all the falsity of hope
Your dreams floating in on a cloud
Blown away dissipating faster than before
And just like that... pain an invisible shroud
I simply can’t help but feeling perhaps just a little betrayed
The trust I had was deserved now it lies twisted and frayed
Come softly crying in the night yelling about debts you have paid
When in fact, after all is said and done
The only thing ever left to do... was to fade
Your silent song silently breaking my heart
No more notes left now to be played
So now, after all the trust
Jaded games and empty lust
The past laying in heaps of dust
To arise into the air at the slightest gust
We must be able to move forward, through disgust
Perhaps carrying on, nonplussed
And somehow the world still seems unjust
But... wait. Deep breath, eyes closed
Despair re-inventing
It seems that my lamenting
Certainly has been preventing
Through discord and dissenting
Even with happiness resenting
I suppose it is time for me to start representing
Stop this boastful venting
So I do
Now solidarity begins while the loneliness will disappear
So push aside the dark and cold, the nearly useless fear
It is time to find the promised, and to the truth adhere
Because as used to the pain as you are
Altruism has never been so clear
And even that lie, based on the most selfless
Contains the truth we always needed to appear
Two halves of the same whole
Look back upon the piece apart
The beginning is perhaps the most fun
Willing us always to another new start
The held belief though has become new
That love can instead grow in the heart
Not to diminish or become less
But always, always, always to be greater in part
Let us now take up the revised script
Allow ourselves to become enamored
The pages repaired after being torn and ripped
The crowd now silenced after the clamor
Words once unclear with our silence decrypt
Love having easily grown in that space between
Your heart into mine quietly has slipped
Your charming eyes once penetrated
All of the built up lies and securities
Now with such a space in between
I can only stare endlessly at the still realities
Allow me one more, please
So I imagine the moving smile
That makes my soul warmly freeze
A new forever has been found
One long day drawing to a close
In the garden of my fast beating heart
Sits the prettiest and sweetest rose
And she will run, never having begun
In the light of my eternal sun
Take my hand now to allow
Balance once more to be restored
See the future painted bright
In the sound of any chord
When I lay with you, the lesson is new,
Never wait for always to be true