Jul 10, 2008 11:11
Do you use Skype? I do now.
For a mere three dollars a month, I can call any phone in the United States. Unlimeted minutes. For an extra few bucks, I also have a SkypeIn number, which allows people to call me. For three months, with both of these features, I payed $20. If I had purchased a year long subscription, it would have been less than $50. How cool is that? Clear calls, voicemail, I can use a regular house phone and plug it into my computer, or use a WiFi cell phone and access wireless networks to make calls.
If I were you, I would check it out.
In other news, the move back to Missouri is well under way. I almost for sure have a place to live. Starbucks is transferring me, so I have a job. Everything is falling into place, which tells me that yes, this is the right path. No part of me has any doubts, so God is working in my life while I do all that I can to create the reality that is going to be.