Indeed, surprise nefarious purposes. Exam-related surprise nefarious purposes for the Greater Good.
[Also because I'd like to redirect my brain from some stuff.]
Pick any several! characters from a fandom of mine and I'll answer the following questions
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1) Okay, confession time: I do like Draco, but only since DH. I don't think him not saying "Yes, it's Potter and Granger, kill them all, kill them now" was particularly heroic, but it showed he's - lost his bravado, lost whatever skewed ethical code he had, and I'm really interested in what's left when that's taken away.
2) He's way less important to the plot than I expected he'd be and I'm okay with that. (Though he got mentioned in the Grand Showdown Speech, a fact which makes me oddly gleeful.)
3) I don't identify with him, no, nor does he influence my emotions. Just my curiousity.
4) Well, I like bits of the fandom. Ie. you; Des; porn.
5) I loved his relationship with his parents (so skewed and squashed but true) and really resent the fact he never got to meet Tonks. I don't really ship him with anyone. Or I ship him with everyone? Again, except Snape. And I don't really like the feel of Harry/Draco (and greatly prefer Draco/Weasley-of-choice, because, less with the chilly mutual resentment and way more of the fisticuffs.)
6) The receding hairline, because I felt it was a cheap dig. (I still titter at "Scorpius" though. Scorpius Hyperion. Oh Draco.)
7) Oh, a fannish Draco would strive towards BNFdom but never quite reach it. He'd change fandoms and accounts often and drastically and he'd have a tendency to sic his flist upon randomly selected non-popular members of his fandom. There'd be grand wank-writeup about him that I'd read with interest, but otherwise I'd stay out of his way.
8) Neither a favourite nor a least favourite.
9) "Warning: bigoted smarmy potentially sexually appealing git content."
10) V v v popular. I do get why. And I love certain fannish incarnations of him (especially Lust over Pendle Draco).
Mitchell - note that my scope of canon ends with S2. Still haven't watched all of S3 (although I've seen the spoilers - I know who lived and who died) and amn't ready to make my thoughts public about what I have watched.
1) Well, I used to like him. Then he killed a subway. That sorta ruined the attraction.
2) He's a main character. In fact, he was becoming THE main character in S2, and that is never a good idea.
3) I identify with his universal need to be liked, and I'm... I don't know. Made uncomfortable, possibly in a good way, by the dark aspects of that need.
4) Dunno, never got into it much.
5) I ship the OT4, and would like it if it stopped him from chasing the heteronormative pipe dream (which is part of what the Lucy romance was). I don't ship any fraction of it without including the other two. Oh, and also Mitchell/Josie delights and intrigues my inner Tarantino-fan.
6) Well, again, I would rather like it if he hadn't KILLED A FUCKING SUBWAY. I can mentally differentiate that Mitchell (who intrigues me) from the S1 one (whom I liked) though.
7) If he hadn't recently been left by his creationist scientist girlfriend, we'd probably have a nice flirt that'd leave me giddy for days. If he had, I'd be lunch, which would leave me dead.
8) He's definitely on my Most Disappointing list.
9) Warn, definitely.
10) Well-liked or deeply-hated, depending, I think.
1) Lovelovelove. Rational and clever and hilarious.
2) Yes. Nina matters.
3) Well, it's more "holy fuck *_*" rather than identification.
4) See above.
5) I love her relationship with George. Also ship her with Annie and non-psychokiller fanMitchell, preferably at the same time (while George is resting).
6) Not really!
7) If Nina was in fandom, she'd write hilarious scathing feminist analyses of TV shows (her blog would be titled Dirty Lady Time). She wouldn't be unkind towards other fans, unless they provoked her, in which case she'd rip them to shreds verbally. I'd fan-crush on her from afar but never actually converse.
8) On my extended list of favourites, definitely.
9) I'd enthuse about her obnoxiously.
10) Fandom either loves her or hates her, I think? I've seen way more love than hate, though, happily.
I may have written stuff about Draco post DH. I may have been silently fuming about the casual insults thrown at Draco fans over at Mark Reads Harry Potter. As you say, the place where he is left is really interesting. Stripped of all the privilege he had, all the stuff he relied upon, what is left? Is it possible for him the properly start to grow? And I'd like to think that that nod between him and Harry in the Epilogue (*spits*) is an indication that that happened. I just want to know how.
I'm a bit more in to the Harry/Draco. Mainly because there is just an awful lot of feelings and obsession there. In some ways I find the train scene in HBP uncomfortably hot. Sudden power imbalances FTW! But I still have trouble actually reading a lot of the fic about them.
It is also part of my personal canon that Draco had a huge and ridiculously repressed crush on Hermione for quite a while. The slap didn't help matters there.
I think that receding hairlines can look very dignified. Take that JKR.
... Mine too.
Hermione's just so vivid and unconstricted and different and honest, of COURSE he had repressed lust for her. But, um, so's Ron, so, you know, in different personal canons, he had EVEN MORE REPRESSED lust for Ron.
[In the best headcanons, he has lust for both and eventually they reciprocate and sometimes he also becomes their dingy AU werewolf sex slave, khm.]
Although oddly with the HP kids I still have... issues with them as explicitly sexual beings. Sort of in the same way that even when my youngest sister is thirty with kids I'll still be going: 'But you can't have sex, you're eleven and have ridiculous hair.' Of course I'll still read the more explicit HP stuff its just I have to make sure that my own younger self is occupied with something else before I do.
Maybe I just need to write some Hot PWP smut and sort of rip the band aid off. Cause the closest I've got so far is Blaise and Ginny grinding in a corridor....
Draco in a bathroom with anyone.
Ginny, giving or receiving cunnilingus.
"Sometimes Ron's on top."
Holler if you need more.
Those should do. :-D
As for Mitchell... I think we shall have many discussions after you've finished that last series. :-D
You're life is so relevant to the show!
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