So guess who I'm gonna see July 16th?! The Police!!! OMG :D If you know me well, you know they are like my favorite music EVER. I loved them the second I heard them on my best friend's record player in the early 80s. I sound so old. Lol. Tickets are going on pre-sale to Best Buy Reward card holders. The crap part is how much the good seats cost. We'll be in the red nearly $500 :( But shit, how often does The Police reunite and play together? How often can I see Sting looking so sexy and strum that gorgeous bass? I've seen Sting like 3 times and hopefully this time he'll be larger than the size of an ant. We're going to Cleveland to see them; on a Monday. : )
I love that I'll be married a month on the date of the concert; what a nice way to start!