❧ sixteenth: one more year?

Jun 01, 2012 12:10

I haven't updated this in two months, oops.

A lot of things have happened, too. I just...didn't feel like writing about it, I guess.

But this post is basically saying I passed my second year of law school and I'll be going into my third and final year.

Unless I decide to just drop out now.

But I don't think I will despite me hating law school so much and not knowing what I'll do with it. Especially since I don't really think I'll take the Bar exam and not get a license. I'll have the JD, but not a license to be an attorney. I mean, that's what I'm saying now and that's what I've said for the past two years and well. My life? But who knows. Things could change in my third year now that I'm...in it. It's kind of weird.

Grade breakdown:
Prof. Responsibilities: C
Business Associations: C
Public Policy: B
Constitutional Law II: C
Freedom of Expression Seminar: B-

Okay the grades are actually amusing me A LOT. Because

1) Business Associations - I thought I FAILED because I barely studied and at some point I stared at the wall for five minutes because it was my first exam and I just wanted to drop everything and go away. ...Clearly I did not fail and I apparently knew more about business law than I thought.

2) Public Policy - it was a discussion based class and I only spoke up maybe 6 times during the whole semester. I didn't miss a single class though! Also this had a group presentation and paper. I got an 80 on the presentation and I wrote a 10 page paper in 10 hours the day it was due. I pretty much found a select few sources and dumped stuff in there. ... ...I do not deserve a B in this class.

The rest I pretty much expected.

But...yeah. Conflicted feelings because of "What do I want to do with law school?" and this will be a topic for my counselor no doubt. But yay. I passed my second year. Whoo hoo.

This entry was originally posted on my DW journal here.
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