Well I've been back from house sitting for my bro and pretty much just. Made new icons for Ace >_>a; I enjoy coloring ;_;
In other news, I watched Avatar 3D the other day with Clark. I actually...didn't notice the 3D >_> They didn't do any of the 3D gag sort of things. You know how things really do look like they're coming out of the screen? It was more like...I don't know. More like one of those hologram cards?! I just seriously didn't really notice XD But anyway, it was a good movie but I think I liked Sherlock Holmes better. Visually the movie was fantastic, but I'm kinna eeeh on the plot/storyline. I mean it was good but..I don't know. If I had to choose, I'd see Sherlock Holmes again instead of Avatar.
My brother also got another dachshund puppy 8| He and his wife already have two small dogs (a dachshund and a yorkie) and they're thinking about having a kid sometime this year. I was like "EDWIN. YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER DOG." And it's a female one no less. She's going to be spayed, but the guys aren't neutered and they're already having...issues. /coughs. Seriously, I worry for the poor thing :\ I haven't seen it yet, but I think I'll be back up there at the end of this month to house sit again. I THINK I WILL TRY AND BOND WITH HER. And then watch the other two get insanely jealous and have to share my love 8|a; I love them but they're really...yippy and jump around all over the place /sigh.
Oh, I tried to take pictures but uh. THEY KEPT MOVING /sob. They have these cute little sweaters on, too xD
And now, that meme that's going around--