Jan 01, 2010 03:11

I pretty much spent the New Year watching Dexter Season 3 eps with Clark >_>a; And apparently my dad had texted FOX News because they were doing the scrolling text thing rotflmao :| Idk if it was ever broadcasted XD and then we kept hearing fireworks going off around and lolol i don't know if it's even legal but it really doesn't matter here cos LOL ALABAMA 8D

And man, I go through my f-list and I see all these "WHAT THE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN LIKE" and I'm like "...:|a...I don't have anything....D8" so...going to. skip out on that bandwagon 8Da; ONLY NOTEWORTHY THING WAS I GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE??!?! \O/

I can totally do the whole New Years Resolution thing, though! ...Maybe. watch me fail them all--

♰ Either be working or at least know if I'm going to Law School or not :|a; that's kind of a have to really--
♰ Visit Kelly more often in Auburn
♰ Get back in touch with Meredith
♰ Get my site back up haha--
♰ At least tag once with every player in somarium
♰ Be more social IM-wise
♰ ...Maybe get back to using WLM
♰ Stop being so freaking paranoid about certain things >_>a;
♰ Work on that novel I've been ignoring for the past year or two possibly three
♰ Get back to reading I've seriously been slacking OTL WHAT KIND OF RESOLUTION ARE THESE--
♰ Comment more on F-list 8|
♰ Spend less time on the computer uh-oh--

...Most of these are kinna mer 8|a; OH WELL. BETTER THAN THE PAST FOUR YEARS IN WHICH I HAD NADA.

Well I guess I could try a monthly to-do list, too? ...Maybe? IDK. I just feel like making lists fffff--
♰ Turn in applications
♰ New journal layout + profile
♰ ...CR lists for my characters oh God Tamaki ;o;
♰ Redo/make new Raven icons
♰ Reshuffle personal icons
♰ Make new layout for somarium
♰ Redo RP journal list thing yeah.

...yeah that's a good start.

And now for two memes cos rotflmao :| IDK.

stolen from everyone ever
Give me a character and I will give you my:

♰ OTP for them.
♰ Runner-up pairing.
♰ Honorable mention(s).
♰ Crack pairing(s).
♰ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't.

stolen from riyuji
Pick one of my characters and I will tell you:

♰ why I decided to play this character
♰ my favorite scene or bit of interaction concerning this character to date
♰ my favorite original aspect about this character (world-building for ocs or head-canon for fics)
♰ the last thing they did "off screen"
♰ what their last words would be if they died tomorrow
♰ what the next thing I'm doing for them is (narrative, post, shelving, whatever)
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