an introduction

Apr 22, 2019 12:22

all i want now is to be with you

Welcome to my journal! This entry isn't to say that this is Friends Only or Semi-Friends Only. Actually it's to tell people that 99% of my entries are completely PUBLIC. Mostly because a lot of what I write are random things detailing about my not exciting life and any bursts of random flailing/screaming/fangirling that might occur.

You are more than welcome to friend me, I really don't mind at all ^^ Or you can be creepy and stalk me...that's okay, too...>>...but seriously, if you want to friend me, just go ahead and do the hover add or Friends Add. Though dropping me a message telling me who you are would be nice so I can friend you back without wondering "Who the hell is this person 8|a;;;"

Here are the various ways to contact me (I have so many various usernames.):

AIM: Laenavesse
Plurk: Laenavesse
Twitter: Laenavesse

Alternate AIM screenname: sparklesandroses
I use the above whenever I'm on my netbook and I'm still signed in on my main, hee.
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