Jul 21, 2009 18:33
Paul's family has consistantly been resistant with our wedding. I'm under the impression they hate me, but Paul claims they don't, and futhermore how irrelevent it would be if they did. This particular moment though, it's that they don't want to pay for their room for the wedding. They are also under the impression that I should pay for their rooms, also that I am loaded and can definitely afford it. They don't acknowledge that I work 50+ hours a week just to make ends meet. Yeah, seriously. We can barely spring for groceries most weeks, add in there Nevaeh and her varied expenses as well as the additional expense of Paul's school. I have no idea how we will pay for his classes this semester. I want it to happen for him because he's so excited about this, but I'm terrified I can't do it. I've spent all I have on my wedding, on my house, on home owners insurance, on the only reliable car we own- Paul's jimmy has consistant problems and his uncle claims to fix over and over and over. And it's never actually fixed.
Our financial situation is dismal for the next for years, and that's being cheerful. But this is really what Paul wants, and I want very much to make his dreams come true.
I just don't get why his family won't be even a little supportive.