but AWESOME..."balloon" animals having, er, fun.
EDIT: Apparently the embed code doesn't work because the video is flagged. The content, while not explicit, is still pretty adult (it's a condom ad). So you have to log in and verify your age. This is a good opportunity to create a YouTube account!
Jan 10, 2009 23:29
This sounds like something Stephen Colbert would say if he were to put red pandas on notice. Which would totally be something he would do since they're bears. Well, not really. But he doesn't know that.
Dec 03, 2008 09:07
Some Lists from xkcd.
After a hectic few months, I finally have some projects that are in the early stages. But since nothing is worth posting about yet, here instead is a list of phrases that (at the time of this posting) turn up no hits on Google
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Nov 19, 2008 10:02
Kids read to dogs and now we want kids and dogs. Very aptly named. When I grow up, I'm going to do stuff like that, train therapy dogs and take them around to sick kids and schools and such.
Be sure to watch the video of the kids reading to the dog.
Thank you to my internet bestie,
icumblood for sharing this with me.
Nov 07, 2008 10:18
I've been listening to clips from
Wiretap (which I HIGHLY recommend!) with Jonathan Goldstein (a frequent This American Life contributor). There was one with a conversation with a "rejection specialist" from the Rejection Line, a phone number you give to people you really don't want to talk to again. So I looked up various rejection hotlines
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