Things are just wonderful!!

Mar 20, 2007 21:31

Hello! Is anyone out there? *tap tap* I know I have been a slackette again and let my journal go *hangs head in shame*. I just now got around to paying for it again and figured I owe whoever is still out there an update.

Where to start... I am still working as a contractor for Turbine. I am focusing more on LOTRO which is in beta right now then DDO lately. I also started working as a contractor for Ping0 which currently has Mythos in Alpha. Let me know if you would like to try out Mythos! Let's see, after Mythos is Hellgate London, which many of you may have heard about. So as you can see working two jobs is keeping me busy but there is more! and some extra special good news for those that continue to read on :)

In what little free time I have, I am trying to get my non-profit off the ground. It is called Gifts From Gamers and you can check it out at: Please check out the site and donate if you can!

The holidays were nice just quieter then normal. My mother came in for Christmas and left a few weeks ago. It's always so nice to have her out here. She is a tremendous help, more then she will ever know. Unfortunately, my son couldn't come home for the holidays but was released from the Army a few weeks ago. He is now working on getting his life together and figuring out what to do next. If only I were 19 again lol

Tiglet spent her spring break at Disney World. She went with a friend for competition cheerleading. She had a great time but couldn't find Tigger anywhere while there. I guess Tigger is staying out of the public eye for a bit. She did bring me home a stuffed Tigger to add to my collection =)

So let's see what else. Oh well I guess I can share the best news of all. Right after the holidays I was treated with a 2 week visit from my boyfriend who was on R&R from Iraq. We had a wonderful two weeks together that went by so quickly :( Before he left he asked me to marry him and I said yes. He will be in Iraq for another 7 months and when he returns we will have a quiet little ceremony. No, he isn't a gamer but I am slowly working on that.

I guess that catches you up on where I am at in my busy little world. I really enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to leave one!

Hugs and I will write more soon!

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