Nov 07, 2006 22:59
I've been nudged again! I am such a slacker with updating my journal and there are never enough hours in a day.
My life has been crazy but I have great news. My son was not shipped off to Iraq. The bad news is he is undergoing tests to see why he is passing out and getting bad dizzy spells. The Army gave him a monitor of sorts to wear around his neck and when he starts to feel dizzy he is to push a button and hold it up to his heart so it can record information. Hopefully from the information it gathers they can diagnose what is going on with him. His heart rate is 60 which they say is low and after PT it only goes up to 90. Hopefully there is nothing major wrong with him.
As if things aren't busy enough with running back and forth to Fort Hood, my dog had seizures for the first time last week. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen. I've been around labs almost all of my life with showing and training them and never had one take a seizure. Naturally I took him to the vet and I have to watch him for 30 days to see if he has another seizure. If he does he will be put on medicine for life. =(
Just as things started calming down with my real life, I woke up to water all over my floor. My neighbor’s huge tree decided to root into my pipes. The good news to this is I will now be getting new carpeting and ceramic tile for the entire downstairs of my home and just in time for the holidays! =) The bad news about it is the 7 turbo fans and 5 humidifiers running are about to make me crazy! I feel like I have a heliport in my house.
So things are crazy but all is going good for me. I still feel less stressed then I was a year ago that’s for sure. I pray night and day for the many new friends I have made at Fort Hood that were shipped out to Iraq. I hope they all return home safely. If anyone is interested in sending soldier’s letters or items, I am in the process of getting a point of contact for my sons unit and a list of what they can and can’t receive. Once I have the information I will post it to my live journal. I can’t take care of the whole unit but who knows with all us gamers maybe we can pull together and make a dent to help out a few especially with the holidays coming.
I need to get something’s done before it gets too late.
Thanks for taking the time out to read about my hectic life and for all the wonderful emails I still receive!