Sep 06, 2003 12:53
I've officially decided I think too much. Seriously. There's an incredible on-going dialogue that I really hadn't noticed before. I compose things I'll never write down, rehearse conversations I'll never have and generally comment on the state of the universe. Can't quite decide if it's unhealthy or not. I seem to spend quite a bit of time distracting myself with computer, books, Mel or solitaire, so maybe it's not so healthy. It would probably be better if I stopped having putting confronting words in other peoples' mouths and retorting angrily inside my head. Can't be to healthy...
I read the most heart-breaking book on Thursday. [i]Heavier Than Heaven[/i], a biography of Kurt Cobain. I'd heard of him before, but Mel came home bubbling about Nirvana and managed to suck me in. So many of the pictures you find of him are of this innocent-looking, sad and adorable blond who seems utterly lost. And it's really what he is. Was. It's so strange; I can't seem to think of him in the past tense. He's been gone for almost ten years and I only discovered him a month ago. And he's burrowed deeply in my all-too-malleable heart. So lost...
Why is it that utterly sincere declarations you make in the very early morning never stick the next day?