Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"

Dec 10, 2009 15:54

LOOK AT THESE AMAZING HATS. DO WANT. Except maybe the Chewie one with the scary ear flaps. I totally want the Artoo and the stormtrooper one. SO MUCH WIN.

So all because of innocent conversations with austere_mauve, I am ROARING back into Star Wars (melanittt chanting 'STAAAAAAAAR WAAAAAAAAAAARS' in her nerd voice didn't help matters either). I tore through the Jedi Academy trilogy (and impressively resisted the urge to copyedit the whole thing YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW CHAPTER EVERY TIME YOU CHANGE SCENE, MR ANDERSON. ONE OF YOUR CHAPTERS WAS THREE PAGES. GAH. WHO IS YOUR EDITOR AND WHY WEREN'T THEY FIRED???) and I was going to devour I, Jedi but I suddenly needed some old-school Luke (partly because I've been obsessing over the RotJ soundtrack again, the entirety of which I have memorized plus most of the dialogue and sound effects DO NOT JUDGE ME) so I picked up The Truce at Bakura and. Um. Let's just say my (somewhat) latent Luke crush has come raging back to the forefront. Ahahahahahaa.

I wasn't always a Luke fan, though. When I first saw the movies at the tender age of ten I thought he was lame and boring and whiny. I don't remember who I liked, actually. Except for Wedge, I've ALWAYS adored him :D But within a few years I matured and became a fangirl realized he's bloody adorable, and yes. I CAN HAZ???

I watched a loooot of the Food Network last night. One of those crazy Food Network Challenges was one, which I love, and this one was Giant Gingerbread Houses! Teams had to make a gingerbread house that stood at least six feet high in eight hours. It was reeeeeally crazy so there were only two teams, haha. One team tried to make this crazy "Victorian" house with crazy angles that were so ridiculous it took them over an hour just to put the frame together. And then their royal icing didn't work because they didn't take into account the environmental differences between a kitchen and a tv studio with billions of lights and way more people. BRILLIANT GUYS. And then they ran out of gingerbread. At a gingerbread house competition. HILARIOUS. So needless to say, they didn't win. And now I really want to make a gingerbread house. Like seriously. I might make one this weekend because I WANT TO. SO THERE.

And then there was the crazy Iron Chef America holiday battle which was- get this- Battle EGGNOG. ILU CRAZY CHAIRMAN. And because that wasn't crazy enough for him, he also gave each Iron Chef a team of ice sculptors and they had to make their serving dishes out of ice, plus some crazyass statue things to go with them. WHAT? WHAT IS THIS? YOU ARE CRAZY. But even crazier is the fact that Morimoto got his crazy ice sculptor to carve him a SMOKER and then COLD SMOKED some fish right there in the kitchen. Yeah. A SMOKER. Which uses HOT SMOKING WOOD. Out of ICE. And then he beat Bobby Flay and I was immensely pleased.

And then there was crazy Chopped, which I only started watching because it's hosted by TED ALLEN. I love Ted! The least flamboyant of all the Queer Eye guys (aka the only normal one, snerk). Chopped is crazy: they start with four chefs and they have to make an appetizer using the basket of mystery ingredients that they each get and have only twenty minutes to make it. Last night, which was also holiday themed to make it even more ridiculous, was venison, quince and eggnog (other ones have included pork tenderloin, these weird seabeans which are ridiculously salty being sea vegetables, and ginger ale hahahaha). Then they chop the worst dish/chef and move onto the entree round, which was a WHOLE TURKEY, marshmallows, kale and rutabagas. And they only have 45 minutes. HAHAHAHA. YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN. So one crazy guy cuts out the breast, flattens it and stuffs it with marshmallows and kale. WHAT? HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT WAS GOOD? But he was also smart enough to roast some of the marshmallows over an open flame and put them on the plate, and the judges all went OMG CAMPFIRE FLASHBACK and they kept him anyway. Partly because one of the other guys was hella obnoxious and tried to get the third guy kicked off for a non-existent rule violation in the first round. Nice, dude. So the last round is the dessert battle, and they have half an hour to make a holidayish dessert with cranberries, sparkling wine, sweet potatoes and brie. One guy made French toast with a sweet potato/brie puree filling (drool) and a cranberry/sparkling wine/yogurt sauce, and the crazy guy made a sweet cranberry sparkling wine soup with a tower in the middle of caramelized sweet potato and brie. INSANITY. I heart that show, it is ridiculous and awesome <3

Must finish Christmas cards today. They're fun to make, but they take a long time to tacky-up to my standards. Some of them are actually kinda pretty, and some of them are OMG SPARKLES AND RIBBON AND FWEE. I think I know those of you who would prefer the more "special" cards, but we'll see what you get. Muahahahahhaaha.

star wars, food, christmas

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