Wow, I haven't posted since Tuesday. Craziness!
Do not forget to sign up for a Christmas card!!! I wasn't kidding when I said I'd hunt you down until you do. Muahahaha.
Uh, so what have I been doing since Tuesday? Gooood question. I actually tuned in to the Remembrance Day service here in town for the first time ever, I cheered for the selection of awesomeawesome Nicole and Laura for the ANTM finale (for the first time I'm actually excited for both the finalists! whee!), I walked 5km one afternoon after doing zilch the previous two days (which is a stupid idea, by the way), I cheered wildly for the Trekkie Nerd Girl on Jeopardy's Teen Tournament, I ate more 'all you can eat' sushi and was really sick (it was worth it, right?), watched a HELL of a lot of Tenimyu and a hilarious Jrock concert (ILU KATO-SAMA) and took a lot of really terrible photos with
wittyphantom which involved my Kirk dress, a purple Nazgul outfit, a plastic children's firefighter jacket, a lot of terrible wigs and cat costumes. As in costumes made for cats. That we wore ourselves. We're the coolest people I know. Hellz yeah.
So I continue to be hyper-obsessed with animated tennis (and continue to make terrible animated graphics, ahahaha), less hyperly but still decidedly obsessed with Star Trek, Supernatural, Harry Potter (damn you,
bottle_of_smoke!) and anime in general, and now
austere_mauve has gone and reawakened my immense love for the Star Wars EU and now I'm rereading the novels I own and spent the last couple of days reading the synopses and reviews of the New Jedi Order and DAMMIT, now I have to reread it from the beginning and actually finish it. And then read the last group of post-RotJ novels ever! ARGH. YOU KNOW HOW FRAGILE I AM WHEN IT COMES TO FANDOM. AS IN IT TAKES ONE WORD AND I'M BACK INTO IT WITH A VENGEANCE. AAAAAAAAAAAARGH.
And yet I really can't be displeased because I enjoy it so damn much. So I will continue to fill my days with fandomfandomMOARFANDOM and rant obnoxiously about it all. Aren't you excited?
But my fannishness will have to go on hiatus starting Monday for the epic New York vacation!! YAY! I fly to Calgary and my parents on Monday, then to New York Wednesday! Thursday is 'run around obnoxiously and be tourists' day with the NY Philharmonic Orchestra in the evening (PROKOFIEV'S ROMEO & JULIET :D), Friday we watch mum give her paper at the conference then run amok buying nerdly things in Chinatown and continue being obnoxious tourists, Saturday is SHOOOOOPPING, Sunday is MOAR SHOPPING with the possibility of a show in the evening, Monday is 'find something to amuse myself while the parents take the stupid Staten Island Ferry and walk across Brooklyn Bridge' day capped off with THE OPERA, and Tuesday we fly back to Calgary. It is going to be an intense few days, and I'm super excited. I have noooo idea what I'm going to do while the parents are off doing their terrifying large body of water-associated activities (I DON'T HAVE TO BE RATIONAL), but it will probably either involve going to Chinatown if we don't get to go on Friday or walking 5th Ave and drooling over all the beautiful fashion that I cannot afford (and possibly stalking Emmett McCarthy, eeheeheeeeee). It will be an EXCELLENT TIME.
So I will probably be totally out of touch for much of the next two weeksish, but I will be back with a vengeance and lots of terrible photos. WHEE. <3