Riker’s dating philosophy: “If at first you don’t succeed, try Troi again.”

Jul 21, 2009 01:35

Why am I still awake? Partly because I'm an idiot, but also because I am hoping that I may get a potentially very important email in the next little while due to crazy time zones. So while I wait, meme time!

Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

beast boy: GARFIELD! I adore him immensely, mostly because of the adorable Teen Titans cartoon that I absolutely love. I only finally watched the last season in the fall when I was in Moose Jaw, and all I have to say about the final episode is NOT COOL. NOT COOL AT ALL. ILU BEAST BOY EVEN WHEN YOU GET JERKED AROUND BY TERRIBLE WRITING. <3

cillian murphy's lips: NO SRSLY. CHECK. OUT. THOSE. LIPS. They used to creep me out a great deal (I have a weird mouth thing, okay?) but I quite enjoy him now despite the lips. Or perhaps because of? You decide.

doctor who: I find it highly amusing that I only started watching Doctor Who after I watched the first season of Torchwood. I didn't even know the two connected, nor did I know anything at all about DW. So why did I watch Torchwood? Erm, possibly because leetje posted a screenshot of Jack and Ianto snogging? Ahahahahahaha...

feist: absolutely adorable Canadian singer/songwriter. Although I realized a couple of weeks ago that I really don't like most of the only album of hers that I have. But the ones I do like are really awesome!

harry potter: HAS COME TO HOGWARTS.

i hate jose mourinho: now that he's not managing Chelsea anymore, I really don't hate him. Though I never really did, but he was just so damned annoying and full of it! If I wasn't a United fan then I think I would have been exceedingly amused by him, as I am now in retrospect. Oh Jose, never change <3

keep calm and carry-on: because I am lame and want to be British? I don't know, I just like it, okay? And yes, I know the last two words aren't supposed to be hyphenated but LJ won't let you enter any interests that are more than four words, so I compromised because I'm a total freak

meiji japan: gah. I get all flaily when I try and talk about how much I love this period of Japanese history. I came to love it for the somewhat embarrassing reason of being obsessed with Rurouni Kenshin, but the sheer magnitude of the revolution and the effect it had on world history is just astonishing. I mean, Japan went from being a closed-bordered medieval country to a technological powerhouse in the span of 80 years, all because of the revolution. I'm revealing my nerdy cultural theory side, but the incredible social upheaval that came of it is still being felt now and it's SO INTRIGUING TO STUDY. I mean, am a dietitian! Science! Yes! Speaking of which...

nutrition: my other great love. Well, not that I can really narrow it down to two, since there's no room for English and literature study or the other million billion things I want to study in there, but nutrition at least has given me a degree and a place to start work to support my book habit hahahaha...

pixellated bits: well, by 'bits' I mean 'girly parts'. As seen on Britain's Next Top Model, hehhehheh.


supernatural: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I cannot explain my immense love for this incredible series. No srsly I've tried. I get as far as 'brothers fighting demons and supernatural creatures with CRAZY ASS PLOT TWISTS and man!pain and NOT ENOUGH HUGGING' and end up flailing and weeping and spamming pictures of Sam&Dean and losing all coherency. Just watch it, okay?

the stills: my absolute favourite band, after Muse. I've seen them three times now, and I have an immense crush on Oliver the bass player. This is one of my favourite songs. :D

wedge antilles: I totally flailed over my love for Wedge with another crazy Star Wars fan yesterday on ontd_startrek (I told you, it was Anarchy Day! Any topic was a-ok!) and then remembered how I once sent a really freakish fan email to Aaron Allston (one of the Star Wars novel authors who wrote several of my favourites) babbling about how much I love Wedge and Starfighters of Adumar and then asked him how to pronouce 'Gamorrean' because I was actually not that young but a giant freak. He was very nice and sent me a lovely email and totally wasn't even creeped out by my obvious freakishness. Hehhehheh.

Okay, it is now 2 and I am falling over with tired, so I will sleep. TEN HOURS 'TIL melanittt!!!!!!!!!! AM STILL AWAKE ENOUGH TO USE CAPSLOCK. YOU LOVE ME.


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