Cleanse Day Two! I have this weird tension in my temples that I've been trying to stretch out by opening my mouth as wide as possible (when there's no customers around, hehheh, one guy that was passing by the store gave me a really weird look). I have this pulse point peppermint thingy that helped a little bit, but the muscles are just in knots (if that's possible in your temples...) that I keep trying to massage out. I doubt it's related to the cleanse, though apparently I have some lovely flu-like symptoms to look forward to as the yeast begin to die off. I can hardly wait, really.
Anyway, I made some delicious foods yesterday, and I've decided to keep track of everything I make (except the icky stuff, which I'm sure will come as I get really tired of these restrictions) in case I have to do this again (which I probably will, oh joy). Everything is free of sugar, yeast, dairy, meat (except fish), vinegar (except apple cider) and preservatives. Yum, doesn't that sound appealing?
4 T extra virgin olive oil (evoo)
1 T apple cider vinegar
dash of unsweetened soymilk
2-3 drops liquid stevia
basil, oregano, marjoram, dill, paprika, salt, pepper
Combine in a little tupperware container and shake. You can use it straight away, but it's better the next day when the herbs have had time to soften and everything is blended.
1 leek, separated and cut into ribbons
2 stalks celery, diced
1 carrot, shredded
1 T evoo
1 T apple cider vinegar
1 T Braggs
dash sesame oil
3 T water
2-3 drops stevia
1 can tuna, drained
1/3 package brown rice noodles, cooked
Heat the evoo and saute the leeks until they begin to wilt. Add the celery and carrot and cook for a few minutes. Combine the vinegar, Braggs, sesame oil, water and stevia in a bowl and pour over the veggies. Reduce the heat, cover and cook until the celery is soft. Add the tuna and heat through. Serve over the rice noodles. This was sooooo yummy :D
1/2 c brown rice, cooked
1/2 c unsweeetened soymilk
2 T hempseeds
dash cinnamon, allspice, salt
3-4 drops stevia
Combine and heat in microwave for 2 minutes. This would have been better if I'd made it on the stove and let it simmer until the rice was softer, but it was still good. And heavy. Yum.
Yay food! I haven't been cooking enough this summer, it's nice to get back to it even if it's being forced on me. It's bringing back all the creative cooking I did the last two summers out at camp, but in a muuuuuch less stressful manner 'cuz it's just for me and not twenty campers and counselors, all with different disorders. Why didn't I go back again? I do miss it, though. I ran into two girls from camp at TDK and they said everyone missed the kitchen staff from last year. Aww. We knew we were loved, but it just took too much out of all of us, especially poor Lindsay. But still, I miss it.
Mellie Lou and I are having a massive Lord of the Rings day on Wednesday! We're watching all three extended films in a row, with much giggling at Legolas and drooling over Aragorn and slashing of pretty much everyone. It'll be a grand old time. Clearly I should come up with some terrible themed snacks, like Celeborn Crudites with Hobbit Hummus. I am genius. Also, creepy. You love me.
Three and a half more hours 'til I can go home and buy groceries. Must buy all the vegetables. AAAAAAALL THE VEGGYTABULZ!!!!! Ahem. Pay me no mind...