Went to see The Dark Knight again last night. I'm glad I saw it again 'cuz I was able to actually enjoy it instead of quietly freak out every minute, which admittedly was kind of fun as well. I looooooooved it. I pretty much want to see it every week until it's out of theatres, which won't be for a loooong time, but I shall restrain myself. Maybe. Muahahaha.
The bad part though is that I had a really, really messed up nightmare about the Joker this morning around six. Was not a happy girl. I don't really want to dredge it up again, but basically this Joker-like guy decided that we were friends and came over to my house to terrorize all my friends, except that he really did like me and promised to come back again. Ummmm yeah. I freaked out for a while and had to go get my big fat kitty to comfort me until I fell asleep again, and then I overslept and didn't get to wash my hair before work. And it's all hot and icky today, so I feel doubly gross. Boo.
Am at work, as usual, and it promises to be a sloooooow daaaaaaaay. I don't really care 'cuz I don't feel like working and would rather sit on my butt and harrass people on LJ all day anyway. Stupid, stupid Janina
that I bitched about in my last post was in this morning (I haven't actually seen her in probably a month 'cuz we always work opposite shifts, which is FINE with me) and promptly started giving me orders in her passive aggressive little manner and drive me up the wall in the four minutes I was in her presence. ARGH. I can't even describe why she irritates me so much, but she does even when she isn't here and I see her little notes all over the till about how to do returns and stuff even though she's worked here for FIVE YEARS. I realise she has seniority over me, not that that means anything in this place, but she really can't tell me what to do. She showed me her sales total for the morning and told me to try and reach the same amount, even though the morning is always busier than the afternoon and also, SHUT UP JANINA. Just because I don't push things at people to try to maintain a 'proper' level of items per sale DOESN'T MEAN I'M INCOMPETENT. BAH.
Sorrysorry, just needed to rage a bit. Yes...
In other news, today is Day One of my candida cleanse. I've been doing a bunch of research while at work 'cuz I'm booored, and I think
candidiasis might be the root of my myriad of health problems that I won't tell you about 'cuz how lame is that. I'm totally elderly at heart already. "Kids these days, they have it easy! Come here, let me describe my indigestion in PAINSTAKING DETAIL, and then you can rub my feet!" Sigh. Anyway, I picked up this two part cleanse at work that I'll take for the next two weeks along with radically changing my diet. Basically, no forms of sugar or yeast whatsoever, and no gluten-containing grains either. Also no vinegar or mushrooms. So basically, once you factor in all my other dietary restrictions from my IBS, I'm left with vegetables, fish and tofu. And some brown rice. Thankfully the grocery store has started carrying plain soy yogurt so I have something to eat for breakfast, and I picked up some apple cider vinegar at work so I can make my own salad dressings. So yeah. We'll see how this goes. I'm also supposed to drink piles of water, which is totally awesome because I'll have to pee all day and I work entirely alone for the next four hours. SWEET! I think I just dripped sarcasm on the keyboard, let me clean it up...
You love it when I don't post for a week and then come back and complain at you all. Muahaha. Loves.