Sep 06, 2006 08:59

Hello. I do not wish to go on and on and on and rant and rave and sound scarily like my mother, so I'll just say this: never, ever, ever, upon pain of death, use Goodwin Moving Services & Storage. Ever. Bastards.

Anyway. My first class lasted a grand total of ten minutes. And I was late. marrasia, j'accuse. My Macronutrients prof is adorable and I heart him already. Alas, there was no Cherith. Am muchly enraged. Sat next to the lovely Sherry who is also an anime geek. We bonded over my Furuba bag. D'aww. I should probably make some friends among the group aside from my darling Cherith. I mean, I'm 'friends' with them all, but not really. Yeah. Anyway.

So I don't have another class for an two and a half hours, so am totally going home. Need foods and possibly more sleep. And to cuddle with my kitty. And figure out a semi-permanent spot for the computer so the lovely cable/internet guy can hook it up this afternoon and I can stop leeching the very weak signal from downstairs. Yay.

Problem with the housewarming/dinner party: we have no dishes. We were supposed to get mum's old set, but they, er, got lost in the move. They're probably in the garage somewhere, but I think I'd get lost before they were ever found. To say that you can barely get the door open, and I mean the big car-sized door, is really not an overstatement. Haha. Oh, I wish that were funny. The father has offered to buy us a set of 'cool' dishes at Ikea, though we have very different opinions of what is cool and what is so hideous it should not be allowed to exist, in addition to the four plates and bowls we bought on Monday, so I may be able to have people over and have you not eat out of martini glasses (no, that's not a joke. ah, college student life...) sometime soon. Or you could come anyway and eat a shrimp ring off the kitchen floor. It's all the rage.

Later, chaps.

back to school

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