It's almost Christmas! AHHHHH!!
Ahem. Yeah.
I ditched two of the gifts from last month's list, because you know what? Life's too short to knit stuff you don't want to. And I really didn't want to stress myself out (or spin that pink laceweight, for that matter). So I'm not. Well. Brian's still getting Spiderman Mittens for his birthday, but that's at the end of January.
For this month:
1. Finish the last handful of gifts. I finished the lacy purple cowl thing (insert angels singing here) and plowed through a great deal of the two that are left. And added one more, but it's a small one and fun.
2. Finish those two fanfics I've had lying around for forever, and post them.
3. Read some books. I have a whole list left, and I'd like to get through them.
4. Submit the Rivendell pattern to at least one magazine. I've determined that if I don't get published in one, I'll sell it myself.
5. Knit and spin what I bloody well want. I have an Epic Design I want to get back too, plus a long-term upcoming gift (the Big Blue Thing), a bunch of other epic designs, and some fun stuff. And I want to finish spinning the last bit of the blue stuff (argh) and start on my next big thing.
I think that's totally doable.
Bwahahahaha. I feel accomplished.
Who wants to see me break five miles this month? :D