Jul 06, 2010 16:57
Ye gods, am I exhausted. -_-; Work has really taken it out of me, especially days that require moving lots of furniture. Like, oh, today. (Four floors worth of about twenty double rooms each. Argh. And we have two more wings to do this week.)
But! I FINISHED MOLLY'S RIVENDELL!!!!! Cut the steek and everything. All it needs is a few ends woven in and a button sewn on, and I can take pics to show it off. (There will also be a series of pictures on how to work the steek, though I will provide links to far more helpful tutorials.)
I also finished one of mum's Rotating Rib socks and have baaaaarely cast on the toe for its mate. It's been fun so far, and I still like the pattern. And I'm now on the second sleeve (second sleeve!) of Lothlorien.
Hmmmm, what else? Oh yeah. Yesterday I got two pewter charms, green Czech glass beads (10/0), jewelry wire, jump rings, a beading organizer and yarn for another Epic Design. It cost me less than $20 US. I love Hobby Lobby. (The non-yarn things will be explained in due time.)
Aaaaand that's about it.
(Dudes. I cut a steek. I feel invincible.)