So my summer job involves doing audits on empty dorm rooms/apartments. Every team (one summer temp + one full time employee) has a radio in case we need to call stuff in. We see some pretty weird crap in this job... and consequently have some amusing calls come over the radios. These are the best ones from today.
"Hey, I've got a box in the closet here with ten inches of ice on it..."
"Yeah, that would be the a/c unit, we've had two other people call it in." [This one came through like 10 minutes after we started for the day, so we knew it was gonna be a good day. Also, WTF?]
"Hey [boss]? I just tried to change the bathroom light bulb because it was so dim, and when I lifted the globe off I got about a gallon of water dumped all over me." [I laughed my rear off for a good five minutes over that one.]
"90-2C and 90-2D are done."
"90-2C, 21, 15, bravo - "
"Set, hike!"
"If the stuff's in good condition, do we need to write that down?"
"No. Only write down what you need to write down."
"...I am only writing down what I need to write down."
"We are writing down what we need to write down!"
"So, we just write down what we need to write down?" [This one had like eight people chiming in on it from all across campus, and it got funnier each time.]
"Uh, we got a big sign on the bathroom door that says 'Biohazard: Do Not Enter'; what do you want us to do?"
"Eh, it's probably just a running joke they had with their friends about the bathroom smelling bad. Go on in."
"...All right, but if you don't hear from us by lunch, you know what happened."
Yup. Gonna be a good summer.
Also, dragons!