Homeschool Photo Report March-April 2012

May 07, 2012 08:56

Science experiments make for good blog photos. :)

March-April was a science unit in weather. We learned about:

How a thermometer works:

(He couldn't keep his hands out of the water.)




How clouds are formed:

(I love this picture.)

Where does water vapor come from?

(See, cuz, the water inside the class is dyed red, but the water that forms on the outside of the glass is NOT red. Ergo, the water on the outside of the glass did NOT come from inside the glass... it must have come from the air! Isn't science cool?!?)


Now we're doing an extended unit in habitats, which will encompass a wide range of science topics, such as conservation, biodiversity, species adaptations, species interdependence, and so on. I expect this to last us through the best part of the summer.

Habitats 1: Deserts:

Homemade catcus:

Some fun desert educational material:

Our desert terrarium:

Terrarium in situ:

This is just to show how organized I am:

In Math we finished up our review of measurements with some experiments in weight and volume:


(we're up through the 7s tables)

and for practice, Puzzle Math!

Language Arts:

I decided to ditch phonics and just go directly to spelling, which the Kinglet needs practice in - he can read words on the page but when it comes time to spell them he forgets, or pretends to forget (he likes to write words with as few letters as possible because it means less writing).

We've been using the spelling workbook on the left, which has neat little unit with level-appropriate activities. And since I've been using it to make him practice his handwriting, we've seen much improvement (so long as I can keep him from drawing pictures with or within his letters, which renders them illegible no matter how pretty they started out).

Anyway. Favorite current independent reading:

Shared reading with Dad:



We haven't been touching much on the social sciences lately, but the Kinglet decided to take out his collection of Presidential miniatures, so there's that:

Art class:

(Hey, it counts)

Gym class:


I decided the Kinglet should have his own plant to tend. He chose his favorite - strawberries!

my smart cookie, pics

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