Miscellany - Writing Woes and Whatnots

Jan 30, 2011 11:51

I am up to page 300 (of 480-ish) in the revision of To The Touch. That seemed like a good place to stop for the weekend. I am crossing my fingers that the weather won't preempt preschool again next week. Much as I am a fan of snowstorms, these marathon pajama days with the Kinglet aren't doing either one of us any good, professionally speaking.

Yes, preschool is his profession.

Been plugging away at submissions - work that is as pleasing to my left-brain as are crossword puzzles, and doesn't require the kind of focus and quiet that writing and revising can. In other words, I can target a venue and upload a query letter while little people clamor for my attention (or big people - the God-King is notorious for talking to me while I'm working).

So these are good things.

If we want to dabble in what is less-than good: I haven't written anything new in months - unless you count a credit card processing policy for the arts center or co-op meeting minutes. Not that this is all that bad, as revising IS writing in its own way. Just, it's a little sad to think that I'm not creating anything from scratch, lately. Meh.

Also sad: I haven't made any progress in organizing my new office space. It's not something I can really do when the boy is at my heels, and that hasn't let up much lately. The God-King has been working after hours on finishing the Kinglet's room and painting the basement, and that takes precedence. Still, I'm getting frustrated. Take today, for example: as I type this, the Kinglet is walking in circles counting in the hundreds out of boredom while the God-King screws and hammers things. Yes, it gives me a chance to type this pointless blog entry about what I don't have time to do, but really, this isn't a conducive environment for writing anything, and if I tried to leave the room to go off and start shelving books, I assure you the boy would be on me like a cat on catnip.

But anyway.

I bought an anthology of poetry last night, with the intent of writing it off as a business expense. That pleases me.

Also, there will be a link soon to newly published poetry. Yay for that.

to the touch, writing, raising kinglet

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