The World According to Lady T.

Jan 27, 2009 13:33

Lady Tairn Gire: i will wee
Lady Tairn Gire: er
Lady Tairn Gire: i will SEE, i mean
Lady Tairn Gire: at least, i assume so
richlayers: as typos go that's pretty funny
Lady Tairn Gire: yeah
Lady Tairn Gire: i almost choked on my broccoli
richlayers: oh weird that's the second time broccoli has come up in conversation in the last few minutes.
richlayers: It's that thing you were talking about the other day.
Lady Tairn Gire: synchronicity
richlayers: yeah that.
Lady Tairn Gire: now, the question is, does the message that the universe is trying to send you have to do with marilyn monroe and broccoli, or are they two separate messages?
Lady Tairn Gire: OR
Lady Tairn Gire: are they merely amusing coincidences.
Lady Tairn Gire: tricky
richlayers: Yeah, I guess we can't know until something crazy relating to Marilyn Monroe and broccoli happens.
Lady Tairn Gire: well not necessarily
Lady Tairn Gire: it may not be that obvious
Lady Tairn Gire: it could be like
Lady Tairn Gire: a + b = c
Lady Tairn Gire: where a is marilyn
Lady Tairn Gire: b is broccoli
richlayers: and c is the event?
Lady Tairn Gire: and c is a connection you're supposed to make that will unlock something for you
Lady Tairn Gire: an aha moment, perhaps
Lady Tairn Gire: or
Lady Tairn Gire: something.
Lady Tairn Gire: something more subtle than an event
Lady Tairn Gire: a connection between two seemingly unrelated things that only you could make
Lady Tairn Gire: or
Lady Tairn Gire: coincidence.
Lady Tairn Gire: you be the judge.
richlayers: I'm leaning toward coincidence at this point.
Lady Tairn Gire: where's the fun in coincidence?

on 42, chat scripts, richlayers

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