Getting closer

Jan 04, 2011 11:51

Somehow, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. It feels like it's been years since I was at Northern, and yet the break itself seems to be over so quickly. I just wish I were more ready, since I have so much stuff to do in my room (which, you may notice, I am not doing right now).

I'm super way excited to be going back. I've once again tasted the sweet, sweet juices of popularity and want more. I love my family but they can only be so interesting. I miss my friends and I miss Marquette, which will hopefully be covered in several feet of glorious snow when I get back (I'm hoping for a snow day the first week of classes). Sadly, it didn't really start snowing till nearly the end of the semester; whereas in previous years apparently it was not unusual to have snow in October. Thankfully I have plenty in my future.

I plan to stay in Marquette over the summer, for a couple reasons. If I am in Michigan for a year, I can be considered a resident and get in-state tuition, which'll save me several thousand dollars a year. Also, if there is any season in Florida which I want to miss, it's definitely summer. I miss having "summer-fun" summers, the romantic kind that you only remember the good things about, like going to the beach and having ice cream on someone's stoop. The kind I used to have with bombshellblue and reina_chan. The kind that made for really fun journal entries. Not the kind where you barely go outside for weeks at a time because it's too freaking hot and you don't want to leave the air conditioning.

Marquette is supposed to be beautiful in the summer. Actually it is beautiful in the summer; I did spend half of August there, after all. Unfortunately I hadn't known many people at the time, and not anyone who had a car, so I didn't get to do the things people normally do there in the summer, like hiking up mountains and stuff. I did get to go swimming in Lake Superior, when a couple girls from first floor who I'd never seen before just came around to all the doors inviting people to go with them at like 9 at night.

So far, four of my friends have expressed possible interest in also staying in Marquette for the summer; one's even suggested that we can get an apartment together (that will depend on my financial situation. If I have a good enough job, say at the public library where I applied, then yes, I'll get an apartment. If not, I will register for summer classes and just stay in Spooner, since I will be able to throw that on a loan). That would be ideal, especially since that particular friend has a car (always a plus).

Jennierocket and I had planned to go kayaking today, but it's overcast, so we'll go tomorrow. I have stuff I need to do now though. Responsibility sucks.

plans, snow, marquette, summer, break

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