What's more important than the team?

Mar 20, 2012 22:26

Rating: NC-17 drabble.
Pairing: Gigi Buffon/Pavel Nedved.
Disclaimer: Let's just say I got inspired (which means this is all imagination) by a sexy Gigi today, because he was not playing against Milan. In fact, if any of you have pics of the game, share!
Summary: C'mon. Gigi and Pavel together and off the pitch. And looking sexy.

Gigi knew Pavel had not taken his eyes off him as he strolled on to the seats, his hair combed to the side, so different from his dirty, disheveled look in the pitch. He had shaved too, and his eyes, in contrast with his black coat, looked more blue than usual.
That had even taken his attention from the game, in spite of Juve's disadvantage in the scoreboard. The team was hovering dangerously close to extra time zone, but neither the Italian or the Czech seemed to mind, so absorbed they were in each other.
Gigi was the one who broke the silence.
"Come," he whispered in Pavel's ear.
"We shouldn't..." the blonde answered. "We have to support the team. They're losing."
The goalkeeper smiled.
"They won't lose. I trust them. You trust them too. Come with me. They can handle on their own, can't they?"
Pavel agreed then--later, with his suit trousers around his ankles, his blonde sweaty mane against a wall, and Gigi, still dressed, with only his cock out and so deep inside him, his loud orgasm was drowned by the million voices calling out the victory goal, the unanimous shout of "JUVE!"
Damn. Gigi had been right. Oh so right.

character: gianluigi buffon, character: pavel nedved, drabble, fandom: football

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