Fic: The Coming Tide

Aug 31, 2012 16:37

The mcshep_match Master List is up! My prompt was "act of god".

Title: The Coming Tide
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, past Sheppard/Holland
Words: 6076
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some violence.
Summary: The cultists have been moving further north. Post-apocalypse AU.

Read The Coming Tide on AO3 or at McShep Match.

I have... thoughts about this fic. This was not the fic I originally meant to write for the match, which ended up being far, far too long to write during the time allotted. This is the prequel to the fic I originally meant to write. And I wrote it sort of at the last minute, because I wasn't admitting to myself that the other wouldn't be finished, and I think you can really tell. It's not bad, but it's super-rushed and the John/Rodney comes out of kind of nowhere and the fic really needed to be torn apart and rewritten with about another 10k. Given the comments it received, I think most people agree with me. Oh well. I am still working on the fic that I guess is the sequel to this, though, because I do really like this universe and there's a ton of it in my head that's obviously not in this fic.

Also, I'm sort of amused no one noticed that this is kind of a very stealth Jeremiah fusion. Okay, I only stole the apocalypse from Jeremiah. But still.

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