Octal (Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney)

Aug 04, 2012 14:13

I wrote fic!

Title: Octal
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Words: 1,180
Warnings: None
Summary: Jumper proposals sounded much more interesting than Minesweeper.

Read Octal at sga_saturday or on AO3.

So I had a realization the other night that if you take that one throwaway line in The Fifth Race about the Ancients working in base-8 math as truth, the entire Stargate timeline makes so much more sense. Seriously. If you take all the dates about Ancient history and assume they're in base-8 instead of base-10 and then convert them, you end up with this:

Came to the Milky Way: 12.5 million years ago, instead of 60 million. Still ridiculous, but a whole lot less ridiculous than settling Earth at the end of the Cretaceous.
Atlantis left Earth after the plague: 1.7ish million years ago, instead of 5-10 million. Again, still ridiculous, but Ancients are supposed to have created humans, and at least the homo genus was eastablished by then.
Ancients left Atlantis and came back to Earth: 4,096 years ago, instead of 10,000. Look, lots of more actual humans and cultures for them to interbreed with and influence, which is kind of necessary, what with the gene and Latin being related to Ancient.

Except then you run into the fact that the rebellion against Ra and the subsequent burial of the Stargate in Egypt was 5,000 years ago and the whole thing falls apart. Unless, of course, they used the gate in Antarctica. Yay, fanwank!

And then I took that and wrote a really fluffly, sappy fic for sga_saturday that ended up having absolutely nothing to do with anything I just said.

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