So, there's a discussion of chan/shota over on
fandom_discuss and some serious discussion going on in
this thread over at FW. A lot of people are going "you know, just the fact that someone is picturing a child at all just creeps the hell out of me," which is perfectly valid, but, uh. Not everyone is a visual-reader. And those that are may not necessarily be picturing children in the roll.
I read chan. I enjoy chan. Anyone who knows the good chan writers in HP can glance at my flist and go "Yep. She reads chan." This is not because I'm all "Whee! Sex with kiddies!" - rather extremely not. And, ignoring the fact that it's, you know, fiction, and thus that doesn't really matter anyway, I'm not a visual reader*. And when I say I'm not a visual reader, I mean that, when I read, I literally picture nothing. At all. Not even vague hazy shapes. Nada. I get sounds - very, very clear sounds and definite voices - but there is literally nothing in the visual department. Having never pictured things in my head when reading, I don't consider this odd. Hell, including a picture in a story throws me completely out of it.
But what it does mean is that if I'm, say, reading an HP chan fic where Harry is 13 and having sex with Snape, I'm not picturing a 13 year-old Harry. I'm not, actually, picturing Harry at all. And, since a lot of chan makes the characters seem older than they are, half the time I'm not even really noticing that Harry is 13 in this story.
The reason I read chan, and love chan, is that it's pretty much the absolute only place in fandom that I can find d/s fic. The power plays are inherent in chan - that's half of what the genre is. Ignore the child aspect, and they're fantastic d/s fics. Outside of chan, it's next to impossible to find d/s. Sure, you can find s/m that is also d/s, but d/s without the s/m? It's non-existent. And so I read chan.
And, you know what? I'm not ashamed of that.
*I've talked about this before, but then I run into yet another person who never seems to have heard of the concept, and I have to rally again. *sighs*