Songs on this mix seem to keep coming back to three thematic elements: walls, wolves, and water.
you get the ankles and I'll get the wrists: a fargo fst
Please note two things: One, this mix won't always be available for download, but it'll be
up at 8tracks in perpetuity; and two, this has been done with as few spoilers as possible, so pardon the occasional vagueness in the writeup.
Simon & Garfunkel - My Little TownI thought it'd be good to get started with that sort of retro sound, especially one that sours like this.
Tom Waits - God's Away On BusinessThis track represents my earlier urge, which was to make this entire mix with nothing but Tom Waits songs. This'll do for Lorne's theme, though.
The Magnetic Fields - Yeah! Oh, Yeah!relvetica told me she had a song about killing your wife. She was not kidding.
Drew Bunting - EasyA couple of elements from the first few episodes get muddled in here, especially the deer. It makes a nice metaphor for losing control in general, though.
John Mayer - Kid AThis is a Radiohead cover, in case you don't recognize it -- the first of two on the mix, in fact. Because why not? C'mon, kids.
Soul Coughing - Down to ThisThere is nothing in the world I could do that could fully replicate the awesomeness that is Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers' theme. However, I'd say this hits with about 99% accuracy.
Paula Cole - MeI do feel bad that Molly's songs are a little dinkier and about self-confidence, while everything else is about, you know, RAWR RAWR I AM AN EVIL MURDER MAN and being a badass and all that. But dammit, I love this song.
They Might Be Giants - Climbing the WallsI love it when I get to use a TMBG song as a serious call. Lester is not having a good time.
The Builders and The Butchers - The Night Pt. 2The John Byrne Band - It's a Gas That Makes You Laugh Before it Kills YouWhen
drmoonpants and I were discussing the Coen Brothers' understanding of the moral order of the universe, I remarked that they really do have an understanding of the existence of a sharp, real underworld. She agreed, and added that the real distinguishing feature of this underworld is that it doesn't suffer day-trippers. It's an all or nothing proposition. People who merely dabble with the darkness get hurt.
Ha Ha Tonka - Problem SolverGus only barely gets two songs on this mix, and I think it's appropriate that one of them is just him going on and on about how awesome Molly is.
The Mountain Goats - Night LightI'd say 'poor Lester', but this is pretty much the point in the story where your last remaining bit of sympathy for him should have dried up and blown away in the wind.
Erin McKeown - AsperaI adore this song and am happy to give it to Molly as a perseverence song. She's the bravest little toaster of them all!
Psalmships - WolvesThere were two songs that made me fall in love with Psalmships the first time I heard them, opening for O'Death, and this was one of them. Discussions I saw comparing Wrench and Numbers in the blizzard to hunting wolves just makes this more appropriate.
Florence + the Machine - Hospital BedsAnother
relvetica recommendation, appropriately for the point where there sure are a lot of characters actually in the hospital.
O'Death - Vacant MoanIs this my favorite O'Death song ever? Quite probably. Does it make excellent soundtracking for taking out a bunch of bad guys? Hell yeah. Go to, Lorne.
The Buried Beds - OvertureA little interim number to acknowledge the missing year.
Aimee Mann - Jacob Marley's ChainThis song isn't meant to be depressing so much as ... just tired. A year's a long time for a lot of folks to keep up hope, especially in the face of overwhelming odds, like incompetent bosses and file rooms.
Matthew Good - Black HelicopterA
drmoonpants suggestion, and one that sets up Lorne and Lester's return to one another's radar.
The Feverfew - The WoodsFor a predatory climax. While every other song by a female artist on this mix has been for Molly, the Feverfew is Andrew, who's male-identified. So that's interesting, you know, narratively.
Murder By Death - The Big SleepThe Builders and The Butchers - Bottom of the LakeThese two songs together make up the 'sure, Lester is sorry, but it's too fucking late' portion of our program.
Regina Spektor - No SurprisesAnd the second Radiohead cover, making a sweet, creepy little coda.
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Get your .zip here! And if you like this stuff, consider both
reading my Fargo fic and throwing some bucks in the direction of the smaller artists on this list:
The Builders and the Butchers Drew BuntingBuried BedsThe FeverfewHa Ha TonkaThe John Byrne BandMurder By DeathO'DeathPsalmships