It can now be told: The Mary Sue has
a new sex columnist, and that columnist is little ol' me!
first column went live today, and it's mostly an intro/overview of what the column's going to be about. I tried to get across the philosophy I'm approaching it with, too, which is one that invovles a lot of pointing and going 'hey, look at those cool folk!'
I figure writing this will be good for me for several reasons: one, it pays me money dollars, and they are not a whole lot of dollars, but they are better than zero; two, it'll be a good exercise in communicating to an audience that isn't necessarily a familiar, friendly one that recognizes my authority; and three, I need to develop a thicker skin about commentary and critique, and from what I gather, there's not shortage of that on the site. But everyone's been so nice so far! Hooray!
Anyway, if you've got some ideas for what you'd like to see covered, I'll take 'em here! I'll try to mention over here every time a column goes up (for my own records, if for nothing else), and if I've got an idea I need informants for, I may put out a call. For instance, I'll probably do a column somewhere in the near future about people who got their most important sex education from reading fanfic, so if you want to tell, be ready when I come asking.
Also, the title of the column itself is
pts' fault. His genius, genius fault.