Exactly as the cut describes. A rant about... photography? Maybe?

May 06, 2011 21:42

Free slushie cup + cheap wine + pineapple cruisers + lack of sleep = VERY DANGEROUS.

Ooooh, guess what I'm up to right now!

Last night I went to see Maroon 5 perfom at Rod Laver Arena. Which, while I was excited about ALL week, when it finally came around, it was, well, a little bit meh-ish. I have a feeling that this was because I was so freaking excited about it. Last month Jordan and I went to see The Script play at Festival Hall and really, it was amazing. We didn't have great seats (like we did at Rod Laver), it wasn't such a well known band, but truthfully, I just enjoyed it so much more. Maybe that's because Jordan enjoyed seeing The Script more as well, I don't know.

It was a great night though. We only had a week's notice, which is probably why I was so excited. I wasn't anywhere near as excited as Kristen though, which was absolutely adorable to see and her excitement was reasonably infectious. I did enjoy the evening, the adventure was fun, I LOVE being in the City of an evening and I do love Maroon 5's music, so there really wasn't any kind of loss in attending the concert.

While I was there, I did make a bit of a revelation. Well, I don't know about that, I suppose it's something that I've been thinking about, but never really applied to myself. I fucking hate people who go to concerts and spend the whole time trying to get that perfect photo or just sit perfectly still and record it so that they can "enjoy it later".

Now don't get me wrong, I fully understand that desire to want to remember things. Absolutely understand that. But these days people seem to be living through screens on phones and cameras to ensure they have the memories. I'm happy with one or two photos (yes, they can be blurry) to just trigger my memory and I'd rather use words later on to really reflect on how I feel.

I use my computer a lot. I'm lazy. I don't often like to go out. But when I do go out... I go out to really experience things, not to take photos so I can think about it later and think about what I saw through my viewfinder and that's about it. I want to ENJOY live, no take the perfect photos of it that I can tag on facebook to say "I've been there".

Honestly, when it comes to photography, I've gotten to that point where I just go "I'd rather DO that, than take a photo of it".
Truthfully, I don't know how I feel about that.

Photography used to be a reasonably big part of my life - I wanted to take photos of everything. I'm always happy to be the one taking photos, sometimes I don't like the idea of being on the otherside of the camera. But I guess I'm kind of sad that in avoiding the camera, I feel as though I've missed a lot of things and one day, people won't remember I was there because I'm never in any of the photos. Maybe people won't remember my face. I guess they'd be glad for that, haha.

J: "Wow, are you writing a novel? I'm pretty sure I don't have that many thoughts in my head."
Me (while brandishing half drunk cup of earlier described concoction): "I have that many thoughts in this cup."

I suppose, in the end, with this much alcohol running through my system, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. Aside from, people who look at life through a phone wanting to "never forgot" kind of get on my nerves.

Fuck, I love BBQ shapes.

The end.

equals, food, jp, drunk, photography, rant, music

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