Jul 08, 2010 20:42
yaaaaaay! Day two. Posting from my iPod, which is hard, so may be not as detailed as I want... But typing on this is quite annoying.
02. Your favorite book
I'm reasonably sure that the third book is my favourite. Prisoner of Azakaban. Harry isn't as whingey as he is in some of the other books and I liked finding out about Sirius. Remus was my favourite defence against the dark arts teacher and his tie in with Sirius just made it more enjoyable. I liked the conflict between Ron and Hermione and I actually really enjoy liked Crookshanks and what he brought. I live it when a 'character' such as fits in, even if he does fit the story a little too perfectly at one pont or another.
Right, I need to stop talking. But yessss, the third book was my fav. Then the first, then the fourth.
So. I've (sort of) completed 2 days. Let's keep it going!! I need to use my computer though....!
harry potter,