More Villette, indeed...

Jul 30, 2005 05:17

Ok, is it just me or does Genevra Fanshawe in Villette seem rather like Lizzie's youngest sister in Pride & Prejudice?

And WC was NOT kidding about the opium-induced bit... o_O

I also like how people, having died sometime hence, conveniently give money to CB's heroines at the end (or near end) of their journies... ::snerk::

::sigh:: Oh Charlotte, you wretched TEASE. How I do love you. You have stolen my heart (again), like a minxy Rochester!

There is something about this novel that reminds me a wee bit of Wuthering Heights. It's like... JE with a touch of WH and The Professor, perhaps. hrm.

Well, whatever. I am moved passionately, as always, by my dear Charlotte. There will be no rest. I must start another book--I should never sleep otherwise!

I'm rather torn. I like the chars in JE better, but... there's something about this novel that I like better too. I can't quite place it. JE is still my "bible," though. hrm. Villette will certainly be an interesting reread though--when I get back to it.



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