Villette musings...

Jul 29, 2005 04:17

Uh, why is Lucy rambling about how she doesn't like picked flowers and would never want anyone she loved giving them to her when there are at least three places in the novel where she has picked flowers? There are the pressed flowers Madame Beck found when going through Lucy's things (which we later find out are from M. Paul), the flowers she was wearing in her hair when M. Paul reprimanded her about them, and the flower bouquet Dr John gave to her when they were going to the opera.


I don't get it. The best I can think is that it's one of the things Charlotte wants you to pick up as a sign of Lucy's unreliable narration. Jane was always consistant, but Lucy likes springing things. But still, it's weird!

M. Paul is so adorkable. But he also vexes me so! Usually in a good way, but Lucy just said that he cuts pages out of books... so um. yeah. That made me cringe.

And now to bed, for tomorrow, mmebahorel and I go to see PENGUINS! YAY! :-D

Villette will certainly be finished "tomorrow," though. I hope to start another book tomorrow too. But I should catch up on class reading as well. Ah! I crave my books too much...



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