The 4th Month

Oct 31, 2008 10:22

Week 13

Your fully formed fetus, now in about its 11th week of development, measures 2.6 to 3.1 inches from crown to rump and weighs between half an ounce and seven-tenths of an ounce -- about the size of a peach. The head is still disproportionately bigger than the body, but the rest of the body is starting to catch up. In fact, your baby is growing rapidly these days. The face is starting to look more human, with eyes moving closer together. Toes and fingers are clearly separate, and ankles and wrists have formed.

Week 14

Your baby measures about 3.2 to 4.1 inches from crown to rump now and weighs almost an ounce. The ears are shifting from the neck to the sides of the head, and the neck is getting longer and chin more prominent. Facial features and unique fingerprints are all there. Your baby is beginning to respond to outside stimuli. If your abdomen is poked, the fetus will try to wriggle away.

Week 15

Your fetus now measures about 4.1 to 4.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 1.75 ounces. Its body is covered by an ultrafine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow. He may even be sucking his thumb by now. Bones are getting harder.

Week 16

Your baby now measures about 4.3 to 4.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces. Fingernails are well-formed and the fine hair, lanugo, may be growing on the head. Arms and legs are moving. The nervous system is functioning and muscles are responding to stimulation from your baby's brain. You may be able to hear the baby's heartbeat in the doctor's office.

This is about where I'l be at once I go see my OB again. By next month I should be feeling what they call "quickening" where you can faintly fell the baby move inside you. She said it would feel like butterflies in my stomach. A flutter she said. The appointment is in about a week or so and I can't wait to see the baby again! At this appt. they'll be doing some more blood work to check the baby's health. They check for birth defects such as Down Syndrome and Spinal Bifidus(I hope I spelled that right). I don't know how sure fire these tests are really but all I can do is pray and trust that my baby will be healthy inside and out. As for me, aside for my growing waist line there hasn't been too much change. I have started a new job which is great cause we'll need it for the baby. Funny thing is that when I went for my orientation for this job I got a call from a different part-time job I had applied for at a place at the mall but since I hadn't heard from them in about a week I wasn't holding out much hope for getting it. So my decision, I'm keeping both jobs. Yes I'm pregnant and I should get as much rest as humanly possible but both jobs are part-time and one of jobs I'm really a substitute for so they only call me when they need me. All of this is for my baby and my husband. They are MY FAMILY and I'd do anything for them, and that is that. As for school, we'll see how that goes. That all being said, I would like to say thank you to those who have genuinely happy for me and my pregnancy. You know who you are and you have no idea how much it means to mentally and emotionally have that support. As I mentioned the first time I'm well aware of the fact that I'd always said that I'd wait until I'd finished my undergrad at least but life happens, you learn to deal with it and then you move on. It was a major shock to find out that I was pregnant but I'm so happy and SO looking forward to the day when I can hold my baby for the first time. So, to all of those who have wished me well and much happiness, THANK YOU. To everyone else who are in some way "disappointed" (for lack of a better word) in me and my pregnancy in some way or other, I'm sorry you feel that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sorry about being pregnant, I just find it really sad that some of my friends can't feel the least bit happy for me. I'm not saying to volunteer as my babysitter or try to take an active part in this or anything but to just be happy for me and not express the idea that my being pregnant is somehow a bothersome or bad thing. In a way though, I thank you too because that has made me stronger in a sense and made me realize more than ever what's important to me and focus on it, my growing families happiness.

OK, that's enough of that I guess. In other news, health wise I'm doing great. I feel that I'm eating well, it not at least I'm eating very often. As I had mentioned before I'd never suffered morning sickness aside from the occasional nausea but nothing major. That all remains the same except for the fact I can't drink milk. Of all the things I eat that's the one thing I can't eat, milk and milk product which really stinks cause I love a cold glass of milk in the morning and with my cookies. The good thing is that there are calcium pills and other ways to get the calcium you and your baby need, plus there are prenatal vitamins too. Speaking of those the ones I bought over the counter make me sick too and when I spoke to the nurse she said that that tends to happen and that it's best not to take over the counter vitamins. That's why they gave me all those samples of prenatal vitamins. I can choose which ones I like from those and they'll write me a perscpition for whichever one I want. Other than those too things I'm eating and sleeping plenty. Work hours are a bit long when I do work but it feels good to finally be working again and out of the house. Plus, I'm not all cooped up indoors, I get fresh air in a sense and I do some walking which is good for both of us. I think I've gone on long enough with all of this. Hope you're all doing well, sorry for being MIA for so long but hopefully that'll change soon. Ciao, babydolls.
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