Oct 12, 2008 09:58
OKay so that everyone knows that I'm pregnant I guess we are all on the same page. So, the last time I posted I was trying to get seen by my OB to get this whole process started because granted we didn't need an OB to get pregnant but we sure do need one now. Everything was worked out between my insurance and my doctor's office thankfully so my appt was a go even though I ended up going on Friday instead of Tuesday like I had hoped. At least I got to be seen so that's the important thing. This was a pretty lengthy appt too by the way. It's pretty much like having your first appt with a new physician but within the same office. They already had a file on me but a whole new had to be started for my pregnancy. It's the usual, weight, height, a short physical and blood work. They also do a family history on both parents to measure certain risks I guess and then a questionnare for services and stuff. I'm not going to go into detail about the whole thing because one, it's nobodies business and two, you all can find out when you have your own kids. I will share though that we were wrong about our timing. We thought we were only about a month and a half pregnant, 6 weeks. Well, when we had the sonogram done we found out that we're more like 3 months pregnant, 12 weeks and 3 days to be exact. So, basically I was very lucky. It's normally the first 3 months that are the roughest becuase the body is changing to support the little one inside. This is normally when women get morning sickness, nausea and all that other fun stuff you hear so much about from your mom. I didn't get any off that really, the occasional nausea but nothing that had me running to the bathroom or anything so I'm very lucky. I got pregnant and didn't know it. I thought I had a really bad stomach bug or something to be honest but anyways. Back to the sonogram, we didn't get to hear our baby's heart beat but we got to see our baby. At 3 months the form is pretty much all there. We saw peanut's head, little arms and legs, even it's little hands and feet which during the next 2 months will become more defined. Our doctor could see it clearly and I could barely make it out but I did see where the little heart is just pumping away. It was beyond amazing! Not only that but Peanut is moving so much in there, it was like looking at a fish. I should rename Peanut, Minnow. I counted 4 times that Peanut moved, not just a little but it seemed like Peanut was rolling over. That, to me, is the most beautiful thing I've even seen in my life. I new I was pregnant but seeing that made it even more real to me that I'm pregnant! I'm going to be a mom! Ciao!