A lot of stuff has been happening in my family lately which is why I haven't posted lately. I won't go into any detail really cause it's just to much to talk about. I will say though that my mom and dad were gone for about 4 days cause they went to a meeting at US Consulate in Juarez in Mexico. About 2 years ago or so my mom had starting filling out the paperwork to request a Visa for my grandmother, my mom's mom. It was really tough due to the fact that we couldn't afford to hire a lawyer so Esther fill out everything. It took us awhile but it did get done. I'll have to admit that we were really nervous about the whole thing though because my grandma had gone in person twice to request a temporary visa to visit her sisters in California and was denied entry. Don't know why but that's what had happened. I guess it's true when they say that the third time's a charm. So, now my grandma is here with us and it's been a lot of fun. We haven't really had the chance to go anywhere really. I've been spending a lot more time over at my mom's house just visiting really. Fernanda was really happy about the whole thing though cause grandma was here to celebrate her b-day. Yesterday we went to the beach, everybody just about except for my dad cause he had to go to work and Ruben cause he and his jazz band were recording a demo to send I don't know where. Miguel went with us though and we took out little niece who just loved it. She loves the water so the beach is like a really really big bathtub to her, just a lot saltier. It was cloudy and the waves were kinda string but she didn't care, actually she got mad cause Miguel and I wouldn't let her dive into the water. She literally tried to just stick her head in the water. I got a little sunburned but not too bad. I want to take my grandma to Lowry Park Zoo just cause she likes animals and she's never been to anything other than a farm. I guess that's normal though considering she practically grew up on one. I've noticed though that she really likes to watch nature shows. She obviously doesn't know any english and even if we put spanish subtitles it wouldn't matter cause she can't read either but she's perfectly fine with just sitting there and watching. Miguel and I were afraid that she might be bored here since there isn't a good public transportation system here and the church isn't open on daily basis like in Mexico but surprisingly enough she says she likes it here. Maybe this is kinda like a vacation for here. No worries about her kids, some of my uncles cause her a lot of trouble, or watching the grandkids and stuff like that. I was able to get this week off as was Miguel that way we could spend some time together and I could spend some time with my grandma before she heads out to California. Her sisters are very anxious to see her. Some of them are very sick and can't travel so she hasn't seen them in about 6-7 years.
A couple of weeks ago Miguel and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, maybe I mentioned that already, but somehow I think I didn't. Personally I can't believe that it's been a year it more like a month has gone by or something y'know. I mean Sherry sent me an e-mail of her baby who is now 2 months old! She's the cutest little thing and personally, I think she looks just like Sherry. I want kids but I'm sticking to my plan, another 4 years or so. It was last week I think I had to work in the morning and it was Miguel's day off so he actually came in to my work place and had breakfast "with me". Of course I didn't get to sit with him and eat but I did get to be his waitress which felt kinda weird y'know. Everyone at work though kept making fun of me though. One of our few male servers, Lois, was telling me that Miguel must be a very patient man to put up with me which I think is plain nonsense. It was really sweet of him to come in though. Anyways as far as our anniversary celebration goes we didn't to do much cause we both work but we did what we could with the time that we had. I have to make sure that for Christmas though I do something totally awesome for him.
Other than that there isn't a whole lot going on, there probably is, I just can't remember. That's been happening a lot lately. I go to places to do certain things or there are things that are on my mind while I'm at work or at home but when I to do it I forget exactly what is was I was going to do. Must be a sign of old age. I fixed my problem with my torrent program finally so I'm back on the ball with Naruto. It's all so cool after Shippuden starts. I can't wait to see what happens in epi 22. I think my husband is more eager about it though. Yes he watches Naruto with me! YEA! something we can share! Jen like I said I d/l and watched the first epi of the Taiwanese version of Hana-Kimi which when I watched it reminded me that I had watched what I'm guessing was an interview with "Mizuki", "Sano", and "Nakatsu" on the film set. I came across it on YouTube cause I was trying to see if maybe there was an anime version of it but that was the only thing I found. I didn't really bother looking any further though. So, I d/l the 1st epi and I have to say I'm very torn or maybe I'm just a bit of a purist. The whole setting just seems to be a bit too far out there plus what really throws me off are the names. Let's see, when it starts Mizuki and Julia are talking about her going back to to go to this school I just didn't like the reason in the drama to go so far. "To show that love does exsist" isn't what it started out as in the manga so that part kinda bothers me. I really do hope that my dear doctor though is gay in this version cause if he's straight and playing up on this I just couldn't deal with it. I can't really say anything bad about the show really, it's funny and all, I guess it's just that it's a bit out there and is just so different from the manga. *sigh*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm3fRrCyasU I found this while trying to find the AMV that won for best of comedy....that one was hilarious. Anyways, this is how the youngest of my Royal Anime Family has grown.
Ciao babydolls.