Jul 10, 2007 21:44
i have things i know i need to do and for the most part i get them done, but are times when boredom gets the best of me and i just get lazy y'know. like my nails for instance, i really should cut them since they get in the way of my typing, one just got caught in the keys. i finally finished putting all my naruto episodes onto cd's which i did not just to free up some space on my computer but to try and redownload my torrent program which by the way didn't work. it didn't give me the option to assign a new port like i had hoped it would, it just brought back the same program with the same port. so it looks like i have forward the port for it which is something i'm not looking forward to at all.
in other news i did go to metrocon, for just one day but i did go. my intention was to see the chessmatch which i did. my only reason for not buying a 3 day pass was that even though i had a good time last year i was kinda disappointed with the way things were run. the year from what i could see there was more though into how things were organized. more space for their main events: the chess match, the dances, masquerade and those things. a smaller space for the dealers which there were half as many as last year it seems. the artist alley was in a much better place than last year as well. last year and the year before they were in a boxed out area on the first floor where there was the most traffic. i think though that things could have been better planned out because this year you had bodies cluttering the entrance. also in the 5 years that metrocon has been operating it seems that they still can't get their technical stuff together which was very disapointing and frustrating before the chess match. so i didn't fully understand what was going on stage, the beginning of the match as well as towards the end were really great but the middle kinda of dragged a little. the costumes were great on everybody, megan looked awesome and my brother had some people in there too. he knew sailor moon and someone from the video game side...the one that had the rose given to her....i forgot the name oh well. they go to blake h.s. with him and are studying design dept. of the magnet program. i didn't stay 'til the very end though cause we were starving and had to get something to eat before the amv contest started which we really wanted to see and every year the winners are just awesome. i loved the real fans of genius winner and the parody winner. after we just walked around and shopped for a bit. i bought some limited edition malize mizer stuff to give as a gift for my sis *don't tell* season 1 &2 of saint seiya for miguel, his and her circumstances for me, some pins and little things here and there. i was totally suprised at home many people my sibs knew that were there not just as attendees but as volunteers and cast members. really cool. i tried to find megan but since i didn't stay til the night plus i limited myself to just being in about 4 places i guess it made it just that much harder and improbable for me to run into her. you did an awesome job though! i would write some more but i think i should go cut me nails first before i do so. ciao babydolls.