Mar 09, 2007 08:26
I'm finally feeling better, after two weeks of a cold that developed into bronchitis. I was incredibly blocked, and had to lie on my back, just so I could breathe at night. It seemed as my lungs clear, my sinuses are getting worse. The other night I dreamed I was living in a house where all the toilets were constantly backed up. I don't think we need dream analysis for that!
I'm noticing my favourite signs of spring: large pink buds on cherry trees, yellow tipped forsythia sprays, and the rain doesn't chill me to the bone. It actually got up to 16C earlier this week. As I'm feeling better, I'm going to join the walking group, and also start walking more to work, again.
I wish the best aspects of spring could be put into stasis, and kept year round. I really do not like winter.