Opponents of homosexuality - here's your 10 second psych evaluation

May 04, 2014 10:20

The 10 second psych evaluation for gay-haters:

For the men: Reading between the lines, you're not *really* against homosexuality. Watching two women together in porn turns you on, and viewing two men together (embarrassingly) gives you an erection you always try to wish away. Clearly, viewing and enjoying gay sex isn't your problem (so long as it's done late at night and you can erase the cookies & history on your computer before your wife and kids/roommates find out about this guilty pleasure of yours). It's gay love that gets stuck in your teeth, mostly because the power dynamics in such relationships confuses and irritates you. Lesbians are in love with each other. That means, they don't want you, won't have you, and mock your traditional belief system that a woman needs a man to get by in the world. Your male ego can't handle that kind of rejection. So long as it's just sex between two gorgeous ladies, you're good with it, but the moment you're knocked out of that equation... Whoa! It's a no-go. Gay men flat out intimidate you because you're unsure where you'll fit into such a relationship - on top or on bottom. The thought of bottoming worries you because it requires you to admit things about yourself you don't want to face - which could blow your entire life's paradigm and make you question your own animal natures. Plus... hair. Something about that messes with your porn-trained brain, which is used to seeing and lusting after bare, glistening skin, because that's what you've been schooled to want.

For the ladies: You're against homosexuality mostly because you've been brainwashed your whole lives by the media, by your religion, and by your parents and their social circles that the binary relationship of one man/one woman is your raison d'être. Your childhood play games, your dolls, your Disney fetish - all of it was leading up to your destiny of marrying a well-to-do (or at least, someone with potential), socially acceptable man and have the requisite 2.5 children, a dog or cat, and a house with the white picket fence. Your goal in life is to have the nuclear family, to be an adored soccer mom, to one-up your friends by having a nicer car and better shoes, iphones, and handbags, and whose career goals are only important to the extent of assuring the car and incidental payments are made (but it will never be more important than your husband's work, as he's the real bread-winner). You'll be expected to give up your job if his job requires you to move. If he cheats, you're encouraged to either accept it and try to forgive him (especially if you have children together), or divorce him and take him for every last dime in retribution. You're a walking, talking cliche and sadly, you've never even realized it. You're also used to be spat upon by the gender inequalities inherent in the system, because you've never questioned a different way. If, by some bizarre quirk, you *had* tiptoed into an alternate lifestyle choice as a young, wild thing before settling down, you were quickly disabused of the romanticism of that lifestyle as a result of too much liquor and not enough common sense. All rolled together, that paints the picture of a woman who, when she's older, becomes a vocal hypocrite of anyone bucking the trend that ensnared you and is now chaining you down with unrealistic expectations. Wagging your finger at others who engage in activity you only wished you had (or you had, but were too embarrassed/mentally unready to make a real go of it) makes you feel vindicated for the mistakes of your own past. Gay relationships - whether for sex or love, or both - infuriate you because you realize when you see them that you're trapped by the lifestyle choice you made, and there will never again be the opportunity to try something different, possibly kinkier and sexier. Your husband is it for you... and he's not always frying your bacon anymore, not like he used to. You're a poser, fronting hate for a different way of life because secretly you resentfully wish you were anywhere but where you've ended up. The really tragic part of it all is that you will resist this analysis, insisting that it's a delusional generality, and refusing to look at the parts of it that resonate with you deep down inside.

The solution to both gender quandaries is quite simple: Get over yourself and your insecurities about other lifestyles. Mind your own business, and stop demonizing people for wanting to live their lives in ways that are unique to them. Accept your life choices and let others live with theirs.

You're welcome.
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