Apr 16, 2007 07:59
What color is your bra?
Whatever...it's still early I'm not wearing one
Hair, up or down?
down...for now
Do you straighten your hair?
yes...stupid split ends
What's your favorite girly magazine?
which ever has sara in it
What's your Favorite mascara?
okay...i'm femme but I just buy one and use it.
Small or large purse?
hugh....I have to be able to fit my life into...okay...i guess it doesn't have to be that big.
In your purse, what are your must haves?
Gum, cell, wallet, sunglasses, mints, lip gloss/chapstick, whatever book i'm reading, tampons(always!), and my day planner
Jeans or skirts?
Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable?
only if i have to...
What's your favorite color?
red, blue, and purple
Do you consider yourself girly?
mmmm...i guess so...but not really. I don't always care about how I look, but i dress like a girl unless i feel butch for a day.
Heels or Flats?
Flats...I want heels...but i would never have time to wear them
Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
Sure i have...but typically PMS was involved.
Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
Yeah....i do it all the time...especially when i go to work...It's weird because i get hit on less when i'm not wearing make-up
I guess I'm just not a natural beauty. whatever.
Walmart or Target?
Walmart is across the street...so i shop there. Cuz I'm ghetto. Yo.
Do you consider making out in public "unladylike"?
fuck that....no.
On the scale of 1-10 how fun is shopping?
it depends on who I'm shopping for and what I have to get.
Are you spoiled?
Do you think lip gloss is the best?:
I think lesbian sex is the best...but if other people are in love with lip gloss it's not my place to judge.
Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?
I dont have tivo or any cool stuff like that so yes i freak out if I miss my favorite show.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
half hour if i don't care how i look...two if I do.
Do you like skater boys?
I'm not so much into any boys
Do you often wish there was something you could change?
Gold or silver?
white gold actually
Do you dress up for the holidays?
Dumb holidays...no...i don't dress up
Do you like to wear dresses?
yes when i have a reason to
Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
a lot? lol no...but Everyone on earth has tried to write one before...back in elementary school when you had your first girl crush.
On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
not at all...1....
In the past 24 hours have you hung out with a guy?
hung out no...but i work with them.
[ ] You don't like public speaking.
[ ] You find it hard to talk to strangers.
[ ] You don't like to look people in the eye.
[ ] You hate using public restrooms.
[ ] You hate to go shopping alone.
[ ] Being introduced to new people makes you nervous.
[ ] When you're in a group of people, it's difficult to think of what to say
[ ] You have a lot of trouble talking to the opposite sex
[ ] you hate to be teased
[ ] you hate answering the door
[ ] You can't stand people watching you.
[ ] One on one conversation makes you nervous.
[x] You don't like to ask people for help.
[ ] You hate to read out loud
[ ] You don't like answering questions.
[ ] You dread ordering food at restaurants.
[ ] You are uncomfortable at parties, unless you know everyone.
[ ] You don't like to talk, because you're afraid of being embarrassed by what you say.
[ ] You wish you were more outgoing.
[ ] You hate being in the center of attention
[ ] You don't know how to react to compliments.
[ ] You prefer reading, writing, or listening to music than being around too many people.
[ ] You blush easily.
[ ] You spend a lot of time in your room.
[ ] You don't like talking about personal things
multiply your score by 5 and get how shy you are...... I am 5% shy (actually the proper term is attention whore)
1. Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed? yep
2. Have you ever seen your best friends cry?
3. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
4. What is the last thing you ate?
chicken sandwich
5. Did you get any compliments today?
I've been awake 20 minutes....I'm not that amazing
6. Have you ever gone to court?
8. Are you friends with your neighbors?
omg no...I fucking hate the bastards...and curse the day they were born.
10. Do you want to go to college?
I've been...grrr...I totally dropped out for my first girlfriend...so I want to go back
11. Where have you lived throughout your life?
I've moved 23 times in my life....mostly throughout washington, but I now live in New Mexico
12. What's the last piercing's you got?
Nipples...I had them pierced for a year...but it didn't make sex very fun so I took them out about a month ago
13. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
I do every day to get to work and back
14. Do you get distracted easily?
depends on what is doing the distracting....
15. Have you ever thrown up/passed out from drinking?
I've thrown up....but never passed out. I'm not a big drinker...i'll have half of a malt liquor and be ready for bed.
16. How many times have you drank alcohol?
for someone my age I hardly drink
18. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
19. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
20. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend?
21. Have you ever gone to a beach?
yes...damnit...now I miss washington
22. Have you ever had a stalker?
ummm....kind of...i guess
23. Do you remember your music teacher's names?
no...i block out those years of my life so I can have this happy personality everyone loves(lol...happy...riiiiight)
25. Have you ever gone to a party?
27. What would you say if I told you I was in love with your brother?
I'd say that's creepy since all four of them are under 18
28. Have you ever been out of your country?
just Canada... :(
29. Have you seen your best friend naked
30. What's the best wedding you've been to?
I hate weddings...the best wedding would be my own LEGAL wedding.
31. Would your parents be mad if you got suspended for fighting?
okay...I suddenly feel old. I'm past the point of caring if my parents dont like the things I do.
32. Where are your siblings right now?
My sister is in portland, my oldest younger brother is in central WA, and my three other brothers in federal way WA
33. Do you have a Coach, Fendi or Louis Vuitton purse?
34. What's the last dream you can remember?
I won 31,000 dollars...
35. Who was the last person that called you?
Reagan...but i didn't answere
36. What time did you wake up this morning?
What did you do this weekend?
went up to the mountain...worked
38. What does the 4th text message on your phone say and who from?
I just deleted them so there are only three in my inbox
40. When was the last time you were really sick and where was it?
the last time i was visibly sick was christmas...I was sick for about a week and couldn't eat anything(which was terrible cuz I love to eat.)
41. Who's the last celebrity you touched?
I've never touched a celebrity...that is kinda creepy sounding
42. What's in your back pocket?
43. When's the last time you smoked a cigarette?
44. Do you want to be pregnant right now?
not right now....later though
45. Do you wear colored contacts?
47. What were you doing at 4 am this morning?
48. What do you usually do first in the morning?
go to the bathroom
49. Do you know anybody in the Army?
50. What are you going to do after this?
get ready for work after i visit all of the manditory Sara sites