Zippity Do Dah!!

Jun 11, 2008 22:12

All projects for both classes are done, finished, completed.  Including the class evaluations.  One class I loved and I loved the instructor.  The other was okay.  While I didn't dislike the instructor.........  I HATED how she arranged stuff on her online course blackboard.  Difficult to find stuff, difficult to get an answer back.....  just plain difficult.  A 100 level class should not have required that level of frustration IMHO.

Anyway, it's done.  NOW on to summer vacation.

So what am I going to do tomorrow you ask?  Go ice skating.  Yep, SN and I are meeting friends at the local rink and we're going to give it a try.  My cute little man is very nervous about this.  He doesn't know how to skate.  That's why you take lessons I keep telling him.  He'll be fine once we get there, but for now he's worried.

After that it's off to hit the bikes and perhaps have some plain old fun at the area parks.  Not all in one day, mind you.  I can hardly wait.  Fun exercise and scrapbooking are my summer plans.

I'm so happy to have my projects finished I want to go reward myself with a mountain of Tillamook Ice Cream.  That doesn't really work with my exercise goals, so better go eat that yummy Pink Lady apple instead.

***skip, skip, skip***  off to the kitchen I go.
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