Mar 06, 2011 20:26
So I had noticed that the cat had lost weight and was feeling bony. I made a vet appointment and we went in on friday and did a full exam and labwork. His temperature was very low at 96.5 degrees (normal for a cat is 100-101ish). They got him some hot water bottles and towels as we tried to warm him up. There were no obvious tumors or growths felt. We did labwork and luckily nothing came back extremely horrible (no diabetes, liver or kidney disease or thyroid issues) the only thing that did come back weird was a high white blood cell count and a high amylase. Unfortunately high amylase is not indicative of any one thing. High wbs means infection. So, we started him on a round of general antibiotics. So far he doesn't seem to have improved too much. His water ingestion is way lower than it was even on friday. He's eating less too. However, Lauran said today he had much more energy and was more affectionate than he's been in a while.
I am even more worried because I am leaving for California in a few days. Luckily our vet is just around the corner, but they're not open at night or anything. I might be overthinking things, I just want my buddy to feel better.
honey boy