Title: Vices
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warning: Swearing, Incest
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Dean has three vices, Sam, sex and food and suddenly all three have collided.
A/N: Written for
spn_drabble, prompt used was Food.
Dean knows his vices, sex, food and Sammy.
He also knows it’s because of the goddamn corndog that he’s here.
Strike that. It’s Sam’s fault. Corndog hanging out of his mouth while he’d dug into his jacket pocket for his ringing cell while he’d leaned against the Impala with his other hand.
Why hadn’t he just held onto the damn corndog with his free hand?
Had he, Dean’s libido wouldn’t have jumped at the blatant phallic image.
Okay, so it’s his libido’s fault.
But as Sam swallows, pulling him deeper, suddenly it’s not so much a fault as a blessing.