The Onasi and Ordo Kids Legacy 1.4

Nov 08, 2008 21:23


Since MacKenzie is one of the only Sims to pay attention to baby Meryl, I gave
him a new, appropriate shirt:

Once Helena sees him with the baby, his life is over...

Such a good uncle...

See? Life over...

Birthday time!
Hooray! Infant stage over!



As close to Meryl's hair as I can get...

(That one is for ocelott ^_^)

Snake: ...and then the Patriots created me and Uncle Liquid and Uncle Solidus...


Canderous has come to visit and shoot some hoops with his son.

Canderous's Book Club has its first meeting.

Low and behold, birthday time again!



Much better. Meryl's so CUTE!

Obligatory Meryl with Teddy Bear cuteness pic

If Meryl were Raiden's son, this would totally be a VR chess match...

But what's going on with the rest of the house?

Uh-oh... I smell another hook-up!

That was easy!

Bathroom's seem to be the ideal place to fall in love!

Carid: Oh yeah, just two friends totally chillin' in Lily's bed...

Carid: Oh yeah, two friends totally snuggling in Lily's bed...

Carid: You think Lily will be pissed we just woo-hooed in her bed?


Meryl gets an A+ and MacKenzie could care less...

So Meryl seeks out someone else to celebrate with:

Meryl: Great-Great-Great Grandpa, how come I can see your balls?

Upon failing to receive the Jell-o he asked for, Great-Great-Great Grandpa Carth
passes out in his breakfast while muttering something about kids these days
not appreciating the sacrifices made during the Mandalorian Wars.
The other children of the house could care less.

Birthday time AGAIN!

Teenage Meryl!

Snake better get that cardboard box out of storage and start spying.
The boys are gonna be callin'...


Oh yeah... Snake's gonna be in trouble.

We interrupt this Sims update to bring you Jaina's alien abduction.
But don't worry; she won't get pregnant. Too many Sims in the house.

She was returned unharmed, and returned in time to see her
sister, her sister's husband, and sister's daughter move out of the house...

...Mara Jade aptly dressed for the big move.

Now that there's three available Sims slots in the house...'s time to get busy!

It seems Carid and Jaina got the memo, too...

It's a baby race!

Jaina is the winner!

Hmmm... Let's call it a tie.

Fast-forward because I don't have the patience...

Jaina's ready to pop first!

Awww, a beautiful black haired, gray-eyed baby girl named Mirta.

And now for Helena!

A brown hair, brown eyed girl named Sintas!
(Poor MacKenzie and Carid, outnumbered again...)

Hmmm... Not sure whose baby this is, but it certainly isn't Lily's...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand right where she belongs!

Random screen cap time!

Snake: Get out of my house, President Sears!
Weird Old Man: I'm not--
Snake: And take Dead Cell with you!

Everyone enjoys the new exercise room...
everyone but Lily.

Snake: Dude! They totally turned all my missions into a video game! Awesome!

first kiss, birth, solid snake, onasi and ordo kids legacy, birthday

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