Title: 49. Perfect Gentleman (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: Merlin and Arthur's goodnight kiss.
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 49. Perfect Gentleman
“Are you well, Merlin?” Arthur asks glancing sideways at the girl while he drives them back home from the party.
“Yeah; just thinking.” Merlin replies in an unconvincing shrug. She couldn’t tell him the truth. She couldn’t tell him about her conversation with the Great Dragon (who was now a human being).
“You don’t have to worry, you know?” He says reassuring. “I’m sure you’ll get the scholarship.”
Arthur reaches out and squeezes one of her hands.
“Thank you, Arthur.” Merlin replies with a smile, turning her hand up and entwining their fingers together.
It is a bold move and she feels her cheeks heating, but Arthur doesn’t pull his hand away, just continues to stare forwards, driving with a single hand; the only reaction he displays is a tiny smile on the corner of his lips.
They remain like that, holding hands until they arrive home. Arthur parks on the driveway of his house and walks Merlin to her front porch, once again taking her small hand in his. It just felt good to do that; too good and he wasn’t ready to let go just yet.
“Thanks for going with me to the party, Arthur.” Merlin says with a shy smile. She was trying to prolong the moment (unconsciously, of course).
“No problem.” He answers serenely, his blue eyes staring on hers.
Maybe it would be a good time to look away. The intensity of Arthur’s stare is a little troubling for Merlin. She’s starting to have weird thoughts like leaning over and kissing the blonde. It would definitely be awkward later when…
Arthur’s free hand cups her cheek and all thoughts fail Merlin; especially because he is actually leaning forward and she can already feel his breath ghosting against her skin before his lips meet her forehead. Wait! What?
Arthur takes a step back, watching Merlin almost regretfully.
“Well, Er… Good night.” He says awkwardly and retreats back to his house.
“‘Night.” Merlin replies dumbly after him, still too puzzled by what just happen.
part 50 There! Merlin and Arthur goodnight kiss! hehe
I know it's not what everybody was expecting, but trust me, no one is more disappointed than Merlin!
Be patient people! Things will work out in the end! hehe