Title: 47. Not A Date (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary:" It’s the Drake’s Association Christmas party. All candidates for the scholarship are required to go and bring a companion."
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 47. Not a Date
“Admit this is a date.” Gwen says smugly as she finishes tying Merlin’s dress.
“It’s not!” The shorter girl protests heatedly as she patiently waits the other to finish.
“It’s the Drake’s Association Christmas party. All candidates for the scholarship are required to go and bring a companion. My mother is working tonight, Gaius is out of town, you have your grandparents to visit and Will can’t behave in these kinds of situations. Arthur is the logical choice.”
Merlin rants while Gwen ties the strap around her neck and helps her with the high heel sandals. The girl takes a step towards the full length mirror to look at herself.
“You look so beautiful, Merlin!” Gwen gushes. Merlin guesses she does look alright.
“I bet Arthur is going to love it!” Gwen continues with a smirk.
“Will you stop? I’m not dressing up for him.”
“Oh I know.” The older girl says, meeting Merlin’s annoyed gaze through the mirror. “That’s just a bonus!”
“Gwen!” Merlin exclaims again exasperated when the doorbell rings.
“Must be your prince charming!” The girl teases rushing out of the room just as Merlin throws a pillow at her.
“Hey Arthur!” Gwen greets the blonde boy as she opens the door. He looks absolutely gorgeous in a formal tuxedo. “Merlin will be down in a moment.”
Arthur nods and takes a seat on the couch. He’s just as fidget as Merlin had been a little while earlier. Gwen smirks.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Hmm, sure.” He says a little puzzled.
“Are you and Merlin still avoiding each other?”
Arthur stares at Gwen dumbfounded for a second before starting to splutter a denial, but the disbelief in the girl’s expression makes him stop and sigh.
“Not so much anymore, but it was still rather surprising when she asked me to go with her to this party; then she started ranting about how everyone else was unavailable to go and I got it why: she asked me: she needed my car.”
“Yeah, that’s why she asked you.” Gwen says in amused sarcasm. Arthur looks at her with a frown of confusion, but it’s prevented to say anything else when he hears the hesitant step on the wooden floor.
Arthur almost has to do a double take when he catches sign of Merlin. She looks nothing like tomboy he is used to with that tea-length royal blue halter top dress, black sandals and dark hair tied in a neatly made French braid.
“You look…” He starts gobsmacked. “Fantastic.” Merlin smiles shyly.
“Thanks. You too.”
They stand there, just looking at each other when a flash of light snap them out of their trance. As one, they turn to look at Gwen, who’s holding a camera.
“What? You two looked cute. Pictures were in order.” She replies with a nonchalant shrug.
“Er, we should go.” Arthur says, clearing his throat and shifting uncomfortably.
“Yes, we should.” Merlin nods in agreement and shoots a dirty look at Gwen. “Lock up when you leave.”
“Don’t worry. I know the drill.” Gwen says from the door. “I expect a full report when you arrive.”
Merlin just rolls her eyes and slides into the car. There will be nothing to report. Nothing at all.
part 48